Gentle Giant

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I stretched the next morning as I looked over at Jason. He has gotten very easy to sleep beside, due to his quietness. I snuck out into the kitchen and began cooking eggs. I heard a small squeal as the door cracked open. "Relax I'm just cooking." I smirked at him. As I was washing dishes, a small outhouse caught my attention. I knew I could easily get Jason to sleep by singing, so then I could see what's out there. I led Jason back to the bed, humming a relaxing melody. As he eased into a deep slumber, I snuck outside.

Peering into the small wooden door with a half moon carved into it, I began to pry at it. It seemed to be nailed shut. I quickly ran back into the shack, grabbing a hammer and coming back.
Do not do that, Taylor.
This old bitch thinks she can stop me. "Now I'm really going to!" I hissed. I ripped the nail out. I proceeded to get another, then another. As I reached the final nail, the door slowly opened. This is some creepy shit. As I peeked in, I saw a guy tied up. "Blake?!" I said, startled. "I thought you were dead!" I cried as I pulled the rag out of his mouth. "T-Taylor listen to me, I..." Blake was silenced as Jason walked into the door. He rose his machete up. "Jason what the hell?" I questioned.
    My boy states that he watched as Keith grabbed the off of the counter. Blake tried to attack him, so Keith cut his leg.
I looked down at Blake's infected leg.
   When Keith made it to the car, Blake is the one who killed Keith. He wanted the keys to himself. He also wanted you to himself. My Jason was holding him here.
I looked at Blake. "You killed Keith, you wanted me after seeing me in my bikini! You were going to take the truck and leave us!" I yelled as tears fell down my face. I nodded at Jason as I was now allowing him to hurt Blake. I walked out of the outhouse as I heard Blake scream. It kind of gave me... pleasure to hear him scream in pain. I looked behind me as Jason opened his arms and hugged me. "Thank you." I mouthed as I kissed the side of his mask. "Now, you're going to learn how to speak." I grinned as I led him back inside the house.

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