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  After a day that drug out longer than my mom's menopause, I got tired of waiting on Kendra. I unlocked my car and slung my book bag in the back seat. As I turned around I jumped at the sight of Keith. "Kendra wanted me to come talk to you for her, she thought it would bond us." He said as he licked his lips. "You've changed a lot since middle school." I rolled my eyes as he looked me up and down. I got into my car and crunk it up as he leaned into my window. "Look, just give me a chance. I shouldn't have screwed it up the last time." He looked down. Yes, we've dated before I guess you now know. We broke up because he cheated on me with Kelsey, the rich bitch up the road. I rolled my eyes. "If I say yes will you let me go home and pack?" I grunted. He nodded happily and kissed my cheek. "Whoa, no." I said. I use to love him I'm not gonna lie. I kind of blushed actually, but I'm not gonna let my guard down.

  I put my car in park in my driveway, and walked inside. There was a note on the counter.
  Taylor, there was an emergency with your uncle. We most likely won't be home before you leave tomorrow morning. Call us when you see this.   Love, mom dad rosie

  I pulled my phone out and called mom.
"What's going on with Uncle Charlie?" I asked. "He had another stroke, he should be fine but we didn't want to interrupt your day." She said quietly. "It's fine mom, I'll just come to you guys." I said. "Honey it's fine, besides we're three hours away, just go have fun." We talked a while longer and then I hung up. I called Kendra, Shelby and Katie to come over. I grabbed some meat and cooked some of my grandmas famous spaghetti, pretty simple.

  A few hours later, everyone walked in the door. Keith was behind them. "Kendra really?" I said. "Get to know him again, come on." She said with puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes as I got the pot of spaghetti and garlic bread and brought it to the table. "Mmm oh my gosh Taylor." Keith said as he took a bite. "You can get it tonight." I rolled my eyes. "Now that dinner is over..." Tony said as he nodded at Blake. Blake walked outside and came back in with a case of beer and a bottle of Vodka. "You guys I don't t-" I was cut off by Shelby. "Shut up." She said as she took a cup and poured off sprite, cranberry juice and vodka. "Drink it." She said as she did it in front of me. I took a small sip which turned into gulps. "It's delicious." I said. Everyone grabbed beers and drinks as we turned on some music.

Four Hours Later
  I looked over at my phone as my eyes adjusted. 1:34 am. Everyone was making out as I looked over at Keith. He's always had nice shaped cheekbones and nice lips. His bright green eyes looked into mine. I put my hand behind his head and began kissing him. As he reached between my legs I stopped him. "K-Keith imestuou." My eyes rolled. "What?" He laughed. "Imestu" I tried to talk again. "I missed you." I smiled and laughed. Then everyone went into a different bedroom know. I began crying. "Keith why did you do this to me." I leaned on his shoulder. "I didn't cheat on you, Taylor. I screwed up because I didn't tell you." I looked up and focused on him. "Your mom paid me to leave you alone... she said she wanted you with Tony." I looked at him again. Mom has always loved Tony because he and I were friends before Kendra. Moms best friend had Tony. He even tried to kiss me while he was with Kendra, she doesn't know though. "Don't say anything to anyone please." He said. I nodded as a tear slid down my eye. Why would mom do that? Was he lying? I'm not even gonna get worked up because...I'm can't know they're here. I kissed him as I closed my eyes.

I rolled over and turned my phone alarm off. 11:30 am. I should get up and- ow my head. I rolled over and saw Keith staring at me. I looked under the blanket and was in my panties and bra. "Don't worry, we didn't do anything. You passed out on the couch and I wanted you comfy." He kissed my forehead. "Look I don't know what happened last night." I said as I gripped the covers. "You will, nice body by the way." He laughed as I smirked and threw a pillow at him. I got up and got dressed with my bags. I left my mom a text message as I went to wake my friends up. This weekend is gonna be so fun!

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