Chapter 4: Vale & it's Royalty.

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I was following carelessly, but then I struggled to get out of his grip. I couldn't. His grip was like iron. After hours of struggling, his grip tightened on me,and he turned around, faced me, and said, " Seriously princess Serena, trying to get out of my grip won't help at all. Just wait till we get to Valerie's tower..." What was this stranger talking about? "First of all, I have no idea what your talking about. Second, I don't know your name. And third..." "By the way, nice dress..." And he ended the conversation. For a moment I thought he was mad for thinking that I was wearing a dress instead of my nightgown. But to my surprise, I saw that I was wearing a black velvet dress which was until my thighs, black leg warmers, and my feet were wound up with ivy in between my toes. I gasped and suddenly thought, how did I get into this outfit and second, most importantly, was this guy liking me?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?
I quickly pushed the thought away, but it came back bothering me. I was too busy thinking of that, when he stopped muttered something and a blue portal appeared. For a moment I was about to reject, when he shoved me through it. I was shocked and stunned that he did that. He quickly followed through, and stood standing in front of me. I had collapsed on the floor, and now he was offering me a hand to get up. I took it and got up. "Thanks." I said. "Your welcome." He said back. The next thing I knew was that he hugged me and said his name was Edward. I ran up to him, and walked with him. After about 30 minutes walk, we reached an extravagant looking palace. As we neared towards the main entrance, I saw a bat fly through the air, and landed right in front of the main gate. To my amazement, the bat transformed to a woman, who looked at least 19 years old, and was wearing a short dress like mine, and was wearing dark, purple, flat shoes. She walked towards Edward and gave him a smile and showed gleaming white fangs. "It's good that she's only 18 , otherwise dear queen Marissa would have to have another heir to the throne!" She said gravely. In an instant, another bat landed on the ground next to her. It immediately changed into a man, big and burly, with over gelled hair, dressed in a toxedo, with a long red flowing cape behind him. "Elias! Did it take you that long to come her?" She said. "I can't leave you for long my dear." He said affectionately. He kissed her on the cheek and then turned towards Edward. He smiled and said, "Well, well, what have we got here? Marrisa's 'long lost' daughter I suppose? Eh?" "Actually, uncle, this is Queen Marrisa's daughter. Her name is Serena Vladimir." "What!!! My last name isn't Vladimir, it's Buckingham!." I shouted with annoyance at them. Edward gave me a slow smile and said,"That's where you're wrong Serena. Your father named you after his family name. Not your mother's. Marrisa's family name was Vladimir." I was taken aback at this sudden sort of explanation. Edward took my hand, smiled, and said,"Well, you can meet your mother if you want to, now or later..." In a very slow drawl. "I'd like to meet her right now!!!" I said. After I told him that, he introduced me to the man and the woman. The woman was actually Duchess Valerie, the queen of all vampires. And her husband, Duke Elias. I bowed rather clumsily at both of them, they laughed and told me I had something looking at me intently, behind my back. I looked around and to my utmost shock, there was a black puma, sitting right behind me, licking its paws."She is your daemon. And she will stay with you for life." said queen Valerie. I was totally confused. I really had to learn more about this land and it's cultures. The king explained to me that a daemon, was kind of like a pet, but it followed you everywhere, and sensed when you are in danger, and it can also communicate with you with your mind. It can feel your feelings, anywhere any time. If it's bond is broken with you, it will be like a part of you is gone. It is the energy source of your power. I took all that in with great astonishment, and curiosity. It was amazing that this puma was a part of me! After my excitement, I heard a soothing voice in my head saying, "Hello, my name is Liana. I am here to serve you until you and I die." I was confused for a few minutes, but then I realized this must be my daemon, who's talking to me! I replied,"It's nice to know that you will be with me until I die. And also, my name is Serena." I grinned at Liana. After, I said goodbye to the king and queen, Edward led me to a great tower, with Ivy wound all over it. There was a light coming from a very high window. To my surprise, he just went straight through it. I was like, Helloooooo? I'm still out here?! He quickly chuckled, pulled me straight through, and together, we walks up a winding staircase. When we reached the top, a door was open, and we went in. The room was coloured neon green with roses painted on it. At the centre of the room, sat a middle-aged woman, about 30 years old, dressed in a long black flowing gown, with matching red shoes, and wings the colour of blood. "Greetings prince Edward. And who have we here?..." She said. As she turned around and looked at me, she gasped. She muttered, "No... You shouldn't have come here... go back... GO AWAY!!!" And with that, she waved her hands in the air dramatically, and we found ourselves in front of the tower once more, except now, there was a barrier protecting us from going in.

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