• Chapter 21 •

Start from the beginning

She roughly pulled away from me. "You don't know how it feels like," she hissed in an accusatory tone causing me to take a step back in shock at her sudden outburst. She was right. I didn't know what it felt like.

An annoyingly bitter laugh escaped my lips. "You're right. Who would ever want to date me right? I'm just the dumb blind kid," I said, unwanted tears burning my eyes. That was unnecessary, she didn't mean that.

"Tyler," her voice was barely a whisper. "You know that's not what I meant,"

I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut. This isn't about you, Tyler. This is about Iris.

"I'm sorry," I said, biting my lip. "Come on. Let me take you to my place,"

I could tell she was hesitant at first but she gave in. I felt her hand slip into mind as she rested her head on my shoulder. I switched my grip on my cane as we started walking back. I guess the grocery store would have to wait.

The wall back home was silent, except for the occasional sniffle coming from Iris. I felt really bad for lashing out on her for no reason in particular. I was having a shitty day today in general so I guess I just snapped.

"We're here," Iris mumbled, lifting her head off my shoulder.

We made our way inside, I was still holding onto Iris, keeping her steady. I lead her quickly into my room, not wanting anyone to see us and start an interrogating session. Iris wouldn't want that right now.

I slowly helped her onto the bed and I sat down next to her. "Was he there at the party?" I asked, after a while.

"Yeah," she breathed, and I could feel her mood drop drastically. "With his girlfriend,"

"Oh," was all I managed to say. What were you to say to someone is this situation? I was completely and absolutely clueless. "Who is it?"

"Drea," she muttered, annoyance seeping into her words.

"Who is that exactly?" I asked, slightly confused. I had never heard of anyone called Drea.

"Annoying rich girl," she stated, her words sharp and filled with venom. "One of Mary's friends,"

"Oh, well, they deserve each other," I huffed, folding my arms over my chest. "You, Iris, deserve someone so much better than Mark,"

"But I still miss him. Even though he is an asshole to literally everyone I still can't get over him." She said, almost yelling now.

"It's okay to miss him," I sighed, entwining my fingers with hers'. "You guys have been dating for the pasts three years, it's the humane thing to feel. And for the hundredth time, you Iris deserve someone so much better than Mark,"

Then there was silence once again but this time it uncomfortable. I felt her gaze on me and it made me recoil slightly. Out of nowhere, her hand pulled my face towards her and our lips collided. It was a rough, terrible kiss and I had a feeling Iris could tell that this definitely wasn't pleasant for either of us.

We both pulled away from each other rather quickly. Immediately after, she collapsed into my arms. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she choked, the rest of her words were buried by my shoulder.

"It's okay, Iris. It's okay," I whispered, burying my face in her hair. I felt nothing. During that kiss, I didn't feel anything. I wasn't disgusted but I didn't like it either. I didn't want it. And I knew she didn't either. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay,"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," She choked, her fingernails curling around my shirt.

"It's okay. I know you didn't," I assured.

"What's wrong with me Tyler?" Her voice was fragile.

"Nothing," I said, confidently. Iris was nothing short of perfect and she didn't deserve to feel like anything less. Especially not because of some jerk.

We stayed in the same position until Iris eventually fell asleep in my arms.

I sighed, softly, as I helped her lay down on the bed. I gently placed my blanket on her and walked out of the room.

I really hoped Iris would be okay.

• • •

That kiss was totally inspired by 'Perks of Being a Wallflower'.
Let me know if you recognized it.


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