chapter 4 Techno city!🎚️

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Poppy and her friends hid as they heard the rock trolls. Guys over here! Poppy whispered/screamed. Then they hid behind a giant rock with seaweed covered on it.

Hello ugly fish! Barb shouted. I have come to tell you that you are DOOMED! she yelled. HAHA UGLY FISH! HAHA! Riff laughed out. SHUT UP WITH YO RETARD SELF! barb yelled to riff. Whatever😑 riff said. Then barb went back to her speech. Today will be the day that all music genres will be gone. Barb Said. W-why? Trollex asked. Because I'm gonna unite the six strings and destroy ALL music except for ROCK! She said. But don't worry you'll still be able to live your dumb little lives. She said. Then trollex put a sad frown on his face.

But why can't we be equal? He asked. Because I don't care about you!!! She yelled. Then she said: TURN THE MUSIC ALL THE WAY UP RIFF!!! and riff did what he was told and blasted the music to: 100. Then barb grabbed the guitar.  So I'm gonna need your string. she said. Then trollex got his beat drop maker and took out the cord that was the string but before he did it he said to his beat drop maker: I'm sorry little buddy but it looks like we don't get one more time... Then he took the cord out and gave it to barb. He did not want his tribe to die especially the new baby trolls that were born.

Once she put the string in the guitar it lit red and that made her smile. Well we've had our fun....BUT YOUR STILL GONNA BE HURT!! she yelled out. Then without hesitation she grabbed her guitar and threw her arm in the air and then the electricity in the guitar went everywhere and trollex fell to the ground hurt. OW! I THINK I BROKE MY FINN!!! trollex's yelled. Welp looks like I had a great time. See you later stupid fish! Barb yelled. Then riff banged his head against his drum. Then she was laughed maniacally. BUAHAHAHAHA!!! She yelled. Then riff joined along and before she left she said: SEE YA SUCKERS!!! Then Every techno troll in there was paralyzed with fear and some had a broke Finn and the children We're hurt badly they had cuts from when they fell down and hit the ground. What are we gonna do king trollex? Asked a techno troll. I don't.....know he said. Then poppy and the snack pack came out of their hiding place.

Umm hello? Poppy said. Then trollex looked behind himself and when he looked at poppy he got suspicious. Who are you? He asked. My name is Queen poppy. She says. You are not gonna do the same thing that she did are you? He asked. Then poppy looked at him sad. Oh of course not! She said. We are actually here to unite all the trolls. She said. Huh? Trollex asked. Hold on. She said. Then she took out her scrapbook to explain the idea.

She grabbed out her construction paper with glue and scissors. And told them the plan. So this is our whole world queen barb is going to put everyone and everything in danger but what we need to to will be life changing...were going on a world tour. Poppy said. Then legsley clapped with her legs. Wait how do you have legs and your underwater?! Poppy asked. I don't know I guess it's cuz my names legsley? She said.Branch had his mouth open.

Then poppy looked at branch. Umm are you ok? She asked. Then he snapped out of it. Yeah whatever. He said. Then they heard a scream from above water.

Oh no! We need to see who that is! Poppy said. Then legsley stayed in the water to keep trollex some company.

Then poppy, Branch, an biggie got up from the water and looked around to see who it was that was screaming when after looking around for ten minutes they saw guy diamond and he was in pain and poppy had no idea what was happening.

GUY WHATS WRONG?! poppy yelled. AHHH IM HAVING A B-B-BABY!!! he yelled. But your a bo- then a silver egg came out of his hair and then it opened. Oh my troll he looks like me! Guy said. A hip-hop troll? Poppy says. oh my troll ever better! A hip-hop troll!! He says. Then tiny looked up at his dad an says: Goo goo! Then guy awed at that. And then tiny put on some shades and got up from his dad's arms. Poppy stood there completely dumbfounded. "What the heck?!" She thought in her mind.

Whew! That was a long time! I was coming up with a song to show yall! He said. WAIT YOU CAN ALREADY TALK?! poppy yelled. YES I CAN NOW LET ME BE! he yelled. Then he shood poppy out the way. Alrighty this is my song it's called: Tiny Diamond. oh and dad my middle name ain't gonna be glitter booty. He said. Aww man! Guy said. Then tiny grabbed. A mic and then started rapping.

🎤Tiny Diamond is my name
     Come straight from my daddy's mane
     My whole body's made of glitter
     And I'll throw it in yo face!🎤

Then tiny threw glitter in Poppy's face and she wiped it off. Oh my gosh I'm naming you chance the rapper!!! Guy yelled. no you ain't! My names tiny Kendrick Lamar Diamond. then guy laughed his booty off while farting like crazy. YO DAD WHAT IN THE NAME OF JESUS WHY ARE YOU FARTING? tiny yelled. then guy stopped. then poppy nervously laughed weirdly. Then tiny looked at poppy.   Who's dis sexy girl? He asked. Poppy blushed a little. Umm I'm your aunt poppy and this guy over here is your uncle which has issues and guy....... control that kid please...he scares me. She said. 

Then guy looked at poppy mad. Don't judge my kid! You know what? Tiny and daddy out! Guy said. But dad I wanna go where they goin'! Tiny said. Poppy thought it was a great idea. But branch on the other hand he did not agree with poppy. He was doing mouthing NO!

Guy just couldn't agree with branch so he agreed with poppy. Well I don't see why not? Guy said. Then poppy was doing a victory dance in front of branch. I told ya! She said. Then branch groaned.

Fine but if we're gonna go on a world tour then we have to ride on something. Branch said. Like the caterbus? Poppy said. No we need to build a vessel. Branch said. Like what kind? Poppy asked. Then an idea struck Branch.

A hot air balloon! He said. Then he grabbed a saw and then ten minutes later he was done. Woah that's big! Poppy said amazed. Woah indeed branch said proudly.
Everyone get on here! Poppy said. Then everyone got on the balloon and poppy stood off the ledge of the balloon and said:"Let's go save the world!"

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