Final punishments

Start from the beginning

It was lunch time then, Manik informed the sabha that after lunch session will be continued. All came for lunch, after lunch Latha, Hema and others fathers came "king we want to take leave we had some work" they spoke politely
"I have work with you all too, stay"
"But" before they could speak Manik got up "come to sabha with your daughters now" he ordered. Walked away
All again came to sabha, Chauhan started the sabha, when all common people issues completed for day Manik spoke "Latha come down"
Latha with shivering body slowly came down and stood with covering face
Manik is so calm "why are here?"
"King family issues should be discussed inside house not in sabha" Latha father interrupted
"Who are you to decide that it's family matter or not?"
He felt defeated he sat down
"So Latha say me why are you here?"
"I don't know Hukum"
"Guards" Manik called they brought some people who are prisoners.
"Who are you why are you in prison?"
"We are soldiers of chandrasena Rajaji, we attacked mahal a month back at night time" all started gasping and murmuring.
"Our king asked to attack"
"Night time?"
"How do you know the routes to mahal and how did you enter?"
"They all are lying Hukum" Latha shouted
"Why are they lying Latha?"
"May be some bribed may be Hema you know her" she tried to justify.
"Ok, we will see ok saw how do you know routes?"
"Our Raj Kumari opened the doors"
"She or her any dasi?"
"No she came to open and instructed to attack Ranisa who is in delivery bed, to kill Yuvarajs"
All shouted aaaaa hatred was evident.
Manik silenced them by showing hand all stood silent. "Sit down" Manik orders.
"So attacked Ranisa?"
"Yes" they said with shame
"Why don't you have ethics and morals which you learn while training?"
"We have king we have but she threatened by saying she will kill our family if we won't kill her before giving birth"
"Why are you all alive?"
"Rani sa defeated us even at pains, she ordered to keep us in jail not to kill, she even promised to keep our family safe from them"
Manik felt proud he then turned to Latha
"So they are lying?"
"Yes Hukum"
"King call me King, you lost the relation of wife when you asked me to make you queen did you forget"
"But I am your wife"
"My wife???? Do you still think I will consider it?"
"King you can't do this, you were the first one to attack our kingdom"
"To make this lady ..."
"Kabardar!!!!!!! Watch your tongue, she is my queen mine if you even look at her I will stop your breath with one sign" Manik warned.
"Your daughter was the reason"
"Why will be she?"
"Latha last time did I asked you or not? You want me or be as queen?"
"She choose to be queen same with other two too, so having no choice I said I will make them queen to their respective kingdoms and you will be with them. One your place will be given to her to rule I will never invade them, I will even help them if they have any problem, now you all say what is wrong in it? Didn't I already win before their marriage? Technically it's my kingdom now I am giving them so what is wrong? What was the use to attack at night time? You should have walk to me ask me clarify with me, no you people choose to invade me at night time and kill my sons??? Kill my queen when she was that vulnerable???? Do you still think I will leave this matter?"
"You would have treated our daughters as Hema" shouted other ones father.
"I will if they did same as Hema did"
"She just asked for her rights as wife and mother" Hema father shouted.
"She insulted my sons birth, she insulted my queen she insulted me, it was my Ranisa big heart she is still alive" Manik roared.
All again gasped "kill her" one from crowd shouted.
All hooted. Hema shivered to hell.
"Silence" shouted Manik. All kept silence.
"Did you all see my praja reaction? Did you get what they can do? Did you all know now what can I do???? Still you all are alive breathing, speak wisely which may cause you all hell" he said with deep voice.

Latha father got up and took his sword out "Manik sigh Rathod what do you think we all are coward? See now what we all can do?" He started to come to Manik. Before he touch Manik Nandini pierced her knife in his stomach. He screamed harshly and fell down
Manik smirked "did you see who is my queen?" Manik said sitting at him
Latha screamed in horror, Hema father came silently Manik this time cut him on his shoulder he took one back step but attacked again this time Manik cut his hand, all screamed Hema fainted. Latha is crying. "You Dayan you attacked my father?" She tried to attack Nandini but soldiers took her knife and made her sit on knees.
Other two to attacked but Manik injured them badly. Whole sabha became mess,

All people and ladies go away, take father inside keep all doors close, Parth ask security kill their guards, minster send the news to their kingdoms that they are now prisoners to me and their kingdom is mine, occupy them.

All walked away. Manik looked at his side and found Nandini "go inside Ranisa"
"I want to punish her Hukum" Nandini pointed to Latha
"Are you going to kill her or not?"
"Am I mad to give her such easy death she will suffer suffer as hell she tried to kill my sons, now when her father attacked you she is silent and you want me to give her gift no Hukum never, she will have blood tears daily."
"Jyothi, bring boiling hot oil and some mirchi powder" she orders.
Latha screamed no and tried to run away
"Guards move" she shouted and made a smooth cut on her legs she screamed and her father too she fell down
"Leave her please" her father cried.
"Why?" Nandini asked in dangerous tone
"Please I beg you" he sat down with folding hands
"She insulted my Hukum she tried to harm my daughters  she tried to kill my sons still I was silent but now I front of me you tried to kill my Hukum and do you think I will be calm? Am I that stupid? May be I am not Kshatriya but you know the rag of bhramon did you forget?" She cut Latha hands too. She again screamed.
Jyothi brought hot oil.
"Pour on on hands and in her mouth" she ordered. Jyothi did
She fainted. Her father is begging "kill her please"
"Never" Manik said with rag.
Parth keep them in jail for two days and then kill them, keep my all four worthless ladies in jail"
"Even the elder one?" Parth asked not knowing what to address
"Yes, I am not going to see her again treat them and then starve them till they are almost dead then feed them again repeat till they die" he ordered. Parth nodded.

"Come my queen you need rest" Manik took Nandini in.

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