Old Friend

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(Oh, I forgot to mention this. Spinel is 16. As well as Pink Pearl. The rest of the gems are adults, except the ones that are obvious.)

'Spinel's POV'

Well, here I go. Into 'my' first day of school. Even though school started like, four months ago. The Diamonds said that it's a good idea I should go to school now, other then wait a whole year for a fresh new one. So, now I'm in a new school. And for the people in school. Well, let's say they know what happened, and who I am. Well, it's not a big town, so I would guess the news and peoples faces would get by fast. Some people were scared of me. Of course they would. After what I've done.  Others were all like, 'she's cool, and very tough for 16.' And the rest just see me as another punk girl. I sorta am, if I'm being honest. Let's just hope this wont effect my whole life. I was now walking through the hallway, trying to get to my next class, when someone bumped into me, hard.

"Hey, watch where you are goi-"

I looked at the kid that bumped into me. It was a girl, but not anyone girl. A girl that I've haven't seen for the longest time since Pink took me to the foster home.

"P-P-Pink Pearl?"
"W-Who are you? How do you know me?"

She was scared, mostly because she doesn't reconize me. I would've done the same.

"Pearl, it's me. Don't you remember?"

All she did was shook her head no. So, I thought of how to make her remember. Then, I hatched an idea. I hold up my pigtails, made them into the hearts I used make them, and made one of my silly faces. Yea, I still make them.

"Oh my stars! Spinel? Is that really you?"
"Long time, no see, old friend."
"Wow, you've really changed the last time I saw you."
"That was years ago. Times change."
"They sure have. I...uh... I heard what you did."
"Yeah, well, who hasn't?"
"Must be hard to come back from that."
"Mostly. At least I'm getting some love again from the Diamonds."
"That's good, Spiney."
"*chuckles* Still with that nickname, huh."
"Hey, what happened though?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know your.."

I pointed to my left eye to let her know what happened to her's. She's now wearing white eyepatch. And no, not a pirate one.

"Oh, that. Well, let's just say that when you and Pink were gone, White was a bit...*lifts up eye patch* abusive."

She showed me her eye was shut, with a long, bug scar across it.

"Oh my stars! White did that to you?!"
"And Yellow and Blue didn't do anything?!"
"They were still a bit scared of her back then."
"Ah yea, I remember."
"Yea. After that, I was taken to another place if that wont happen again. But, they said that White us no much better, and that I can go back now."
"That's great, we can catch up now that we'll be living with each other again."
"Yea, I can't wait!"

The bell finally rang, and we started to rush.

"I'll see ya later, Spiney."
"See ya, P.Pearl."

I rushed to class, extra happy now. My old friend is coming back to the Diamond's place now. I'm glad to see my old friend again.

And who is still my old childhood crush as well. Which now that way she is now, I still don't think I can get over her.

Pink Hearts, Embrace Love (Human AU Spinearl)Where stories live. Discover now