The door to the room was pushed open and Pytor walks into the room. He had on a pink hoodie and skin tight jeans with rips at the knees. His hair was cropped short, in a military hairstyle.


"Pytor, you're home."

The vampire sniffed and Colson watched the two of them. Pytor moved closer and reached for Aetos' hand. "Why do I smell Colson's blood?" Pytor asked.

"I saw him."

"You what? Where? Where is he?"

Aetos sighs and Colson sniffs, pushing down the urge to reach out and touch his boyfriend. "We can't see him. He was with Cobie earlier and that's why he called for a pack meeting. The attacks were Colson but we think there's something up."

"Colson wouldn't do that. He's an asshole, yes but he wouldn't go around shooting people or pushing them to commit suicide and he sure as hell wasn't the one beating himself up. He had bruises on his body."

"I didn't actually see him back then, remember? I had to drive back down."

"Well, Cobie and Erik saw him. They found him passed out in the forest, the bruises on his body. They thought it was Michel." Pytor said, leaning against the door sill.

"He actually thought it was Michel. The beta claims he's innocent."

"Shape shifter then?" Pytor asked and Aetos shakes his head.

"I think it's a witch. Remember that time in 1877? When that witch did a lot of human sacrifices to get stronger." Aetos said and Pytor nods. Colson couldn't believe what he was hearing. Yea, at the pack meeting at the top of the suspect list were witches but Aetos firmly believes it is. And even Pytor. He knew Colson was innocent, without hesitation. He didn't need to think.

"Yeah, he was angry when he found out his wife had been sleeping with her boss and to torment her, he started morphing into her family members, taunting her, following her around until she finally killed herself."

"You think someone is doing the same thing? This Baba character?"

"I think so. It's only a witch that is strong enough to do this." Aetos said, running his fingers through his hair and letting out a sigh. "Erik is already looking into it though."

"You said you saw Colson this night? Where?"

"In the alleyway of a club. I... tried to drink but uh, he stopped me."

Colson couldn't help but smile at that. His breathing becoming a bit easier. He had actually stopped Aetos from doing something he'd regret. He mentally pats himself on the back. Colson listens as Erik tells him about the blood and Colson's scent. Vampire were more sensitive to blood, so they could identify a person from their scent.

"What if we tell him to meet us at the dark house and we cover him with cow blood or something? We'll be able to see him then." Pytor said and Colson shook his head. The idiot. There's no way he's going to let them pour cow's blood on his body and there was no fucking way he was going to stay in a house filled with vampire teens. No fucking way. He was going to look for another option.

"We'll have to look for another way." Aetos said. "How is Toby?"

"He's good. All healed up and ready to walk around. He also wants to look for Colson." Pytor said and Colson smiles softly. It warms his heart to know that people actually cared about him. It warmed his heart to know that people wanted to find him. He was part of a park. Part of a family. He hadn't accepted Erik's offer to be a park member but he was still treated as one.

Dark Moon (ManxMan) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz