4. An Elusive Truth

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Disclaimer: I came into contact with An9malL0ver a few months ago. After posting a comment to a discussion thread about cats, I received a private message from her, apparently in response. We started to talk. Sent messages. Asked questions. Answered questions. And then, she just vanished. The following are some of the messages that I've managed to save. A bit of them are out of order. But the grammar has been preserved.

Message #31- "Warning"

I can see you.

You've been talking to my daughter, filling her head with junk.

Taking up space.


I can't lose her again. Not after I've gotten this far, after what I've done. The years spent waiting for them to fall back.

I can't lose her to the likes of you.

Don't try to message her again.

She won't respond.

She won't answer.

Just forget about her.

Message #32- "The Unexpected"

Help me.

Don't talk.

Jus listen.

Father is sleeping.

Message #33- "What Happened To You"

Father leaarned.

He tok away my phone. He threw it in to the big gold Pot and it buuuurned. It melted.

I was so sad. I cryed. Megu licked my face but I woldnt stop crying and Father got mad and sent me to my room. He locked the doar with his finger.

No dinner. No water. No light. Jus the dark.

Message #34- "Good News"

But I can stell talk to you. I don't kno why or how.

It doesn't mater tho.

All that maters is that we can talk.

Not for long but we can talk.

I can talk.

How was your Halloween?

Message #35- "Bodily Changes"

Yes. I'm okay. My skin is new an clean. The stork toar my old flesh off of me an washed away the blood. It hurt a bitt but allso felt good.

I don't smell like Megu anymore.

Message #36- "Easy To Learn"

I don't kno how he learned bout our talks. I hid my phone very whell. I fed it to Megu.

Message #37- "Annoying"

Birds knock on my window in the morning. I jus want to let Megu out an listen to him purring an hissing an crunching. Not that I can.

Message #38- "Freedom"

I can't go outside anymore. All I can do is sit in my room an play with Megu an sleep.

I like naps. When I nap I dream.

I dream of going outside.

Message #39- "Hard Truth"

What do you mean?

Father loves me.

Message #40- "Denial"

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