3. A Bloody Birthday

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Disclaimer: I came into contact with An9malL0ver a few months ago. After posting a comment to a discussion thread about cats, I received a private message from her, apparently in response. We started to talk. Sent messages. Asked questions. Answered questions. And then, she just vanished. The following are some of the messages that I've managed to save. A bit of them are out of order. But the grammar has been preserved.

Message #16- "Shared Smells"

I smelled like Megu when I found him. An Father smelled like me when he undug me. We all smell like the ground here.

Message #17- "Raining Season Is The Messiest"

The ground here is black, cause its full of mes. Rain makes it guurgle an buurp and all the smell reaches our house and Father has to go out to fix it. He comes back smelling like me an Megu.

I hate living in the Woods.

Message #18- "Dead?"

Nop. Im not like Mommy. Mommy stayed that way.

Message #19- "Birthday"

My birthday is on halloween. I'll be as old as my little sis, eight! I can't wait to eat the cake and blow the candles and Father can't either. He'll get to see the stork again.

The stork alway comes then. It likes the air when the Moon is high and full and dark. An the night trees will dance with its wings. An Megu will be fed.

Father will gets more meat too.

Message #20- "It Gets Periods"

Want to kno more bout the stork?

It flys throu the night and calls for all things. Its red. An even ugly.

An it bleeds.

Bleeds all ever.

Message #21- "Meat"

Father works with meat in the attic. He had meat when he made Megu for me.

Message #22- "Her Perfect Day"

How was your day? Mine was perfect! Father said I could go down to the store in the town and get myself some candy. I tok so good of care for Megu that he gave me a reward. An he gave me the money in the screaming piggy.

But here is the best part! He said that I could go on my own!

I still neded to wear my hood tho.

Message #23- "Hidden From View"

Mommy left me my hood before she went. She had it since she and Father were married. It's red and so soft that I wanna sleep in it. It also keeps Strangers from seaing my face.

Message #24- "Into Town"

Anyway Father let me go down on my own. I walked all the way to town. Only problem was that I couldn't stick to the main road cause of all the trafic. A cawr might see me brawling through the Woods an wed have trouble.

I had to hide in the shadows. That part was easy. I can stay in the shadows for a long time and nobody will be able to see me.

Father calls it my "inutural powwar" or somethin.

I made it to the store with-out any problems, there weren't manny people in town today. An all the windows were closed and all doors locked. They must've seen the stork flying over last night. Oh I didn't tell you? Oooppsey I forgot.

It always flys by. It lands on the moon. An everyone in town and in the Woods can see it.

But you couldn't and cant.

People in town are scared of the stork.

So it made it easier for me to sneak around.

Message #25- "Lots"

Oh I got loads of candy! Lots of candy. Father gave me enough squigs.

Message #26- "Can You Keep A Secret"

But can you keep a secret?

While coming back, I saw a cawr. And it saw me.

It passed through the fog. The window opened.

Someone yelled out at me. It was a man I am sure of that. His voice was deep and I ran away.

But somebody saw me.

Father doesn't kno.

Message #27- "Tonight's The Night"

Tonight's the night! Im so exsited!

I wont be able to massege you tho. Father doesn't kno that I am talkking to you or that you kno about us and Megu. We don't haf much teknology around here. Jus lots of Magik. Not that Im useing a computer when we talk.

Message #28- Is A What"

Oh. You don't kno about that?

Father is a

Message #29- "Mantra"

Do not talk. Do not share. Do not expose. Do not talk. Do not share. Do not expose. Do not talk. Do not share. Do not expose us to the outs ide wor l d

Message #30- "Happy Halloween"

I'm older. I'm new.

Megu ate my other skin.

Happy Blood Moon.

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