~ Chapter Five ~

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I felt the bond sever as I held her cold body in my arms. I held her as she took her last breath and the blood left her face. She became pale, and I shed a tear. My mate...gone. First Lyria, now Aelin.
"A-Aelin?" Dorian whispers. "She-She can't be gone."
"What?" I ask.
"I survived, my father helped and sacrificed himself so Aelin and I would survive," Dorian explained.
"What did you see when it happened?"
" I was falling through different worlds– what if Aelin is in a different world?" Dorian says. Could Aelin be in another world?
"But if the lock was done correctly...She can't come back, can she?" I ask. Dorian shook his head and looked down. How could this have happened? I need to find my mate. Where could she be?

Sorry it's short, thanks for reading, I'm not good at writing I'm just trying to improve. sorry if my word choices are quite bland 😕

A Court of Storms and Ash **DISCONTINUED**Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat