Act 2 Scene 3

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(Romeo took Juliet's hand.)

Romeo: Hey, come with me...

Juliet: To where exactly?

Romeo: Just follow me.

*Outside of the room*

(Romeo takes his mask off.)

Romeo: I know I shouldn't be holding your hand, I'm not worthy of this because I'm a Montague.

Juliet: Oh, but why would you feel bad about your hand?

Romeo: Because you're like a saint, you can't be touched, you're holy/ But my lips are here, like blushing pilgrims ready to make things better with a kiss.

Juliet: Oh, but touching hands with a religious statue already shows devotion.

Romeo: But don't saints and pilgrims have lips too?

Juliet: Lips are exclusively for prayer!

Romeo; Then let's do what hands do.

(Nurse busts in, Juliet and Romeo separate.)

Nurse: Oh, Juliet, your is father looking for you.

Juliet: Well, I'll see you later. [She exits]

Romeo: Oh, she's a Capulet?

Nurse: She's a student and daughter of theirs.

Romeo: I have to go now...[Exits quickly]

Juliet: Nurse, do you know who that was?

Nurse: He is Romeo Montague.

Juliet: Oh, he is? Really?


Romeo: OH, why does she have to be a Capulet.

(Walks until he saw her from the balcony.)

Romeo: Well, I'll be...

(Runs toward while hiding.)

Juliet: Oh, Romeo

Romeo: She said something.

Juliet: Oh, Romeo, he's a Montague, our enemy.

Romeo: Should I say something or---

Juliet: Oh, why does he has to be???

Romeo: But, Juliet! I'll change it for you!

Juliet: Gah!! Are you Romeo?

Romeo: I'll change that name hateful for me.

Juliet: But neither changing me nor your home change who you really are. You'd still be Romeo! You should leave now before anyone sees you here.

Romeo: If it takes to get detention, I care less.

Juliet: Romeo, listen, I do love you, very much actually.

Romeo: Then we should get married!

Juliet: Oh, wait, I have to go now!

Romeo: Wait, I want you to keep me a promise.

Juliet: How about this: you could be sending messages to my nurse and she'll be waiting at the school gardens tomorrow.

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