A few hours later Alice was opening up her door to a very happy Vivian who held a bottle of Tequila in her hands. Alice just laughed as she moved to the side so Vivian could walk past and make her way to the kitchen to find the shot glasses.

"Figured we could do a little pre gaming." Vivian explained as she sat a shot glass in front of Alice who was biting on her bottom lip, tequila and her never have gone well together.

"Cheers to us," she raised the glass up and smiled as Vivian poured herself a shot. "Happy Valentine's Day!" With that the two clinked glasses and downed the shot, the tequila burning as it made its way down their throats.

"Did you really get me flowers?" Alice giggled as she watched Vivian eye the roses in the vase on the counter. She looked away as Vivian picked the little card from the arrangement so she could read it. "Are you kidding me? He sent you flowers the day before Valentine's Day? Let me guess they are so that when he pulled the shit he's pulling right now you'd just forgive him because at least he sent you flowers while he was gone." Vivian's tone was full of annoyance and Alice knew she was at least partially right, Niall always seemed to blow her off a few days after gifting her something and it was a pattern she wished would stop recurring.

"Can I get another?" Alice picked up her empty shot glass and handed it to Vivian who just tossed the little card over her shoulder as she smiled and took the glass and refilled it before handing it back.

"Party on Wayne." Alice laughed as Vivian lifted her now full shot glass. She reached over and clinked their glasses together while Vivian shot her a little wink.

"Party on Garth." The two leaned their head back and quickly downed the liquid causing both of their faces to scrunch up from the burn of the tequila. "God why do we do that to ourselves?" Alice asked as she slid her empty shot glass towards the middle of the counter while Vivian just shrugged as she put the top back onto the bottle before placing it back onto the counter next to the flowers.

"Let's roll doll face! Time to party like we don't have work tomorrow!" Alice laughed as she watched Vivian do a little dance before grabbing her clutch and heading for the front door with Alice following behind her, grabbing her purse before both of them left her apartment and towards their favorite bar just a few blocks away.

"S'just that I don't know," Alice mumbled as she took the final sip of her second martini, Vivian just laughed as she watched her friend struggle to find the words to answer her question. "He's really handsome." Alice stated as she placed the now empty glass down onto the bar. Her and Vivian had made themselves comfortable at the bar an hour or so ago and they'd already managed to finish two drinks and a shot that was bought by a very nice man who was sitting a few barstools away from them.

"You can't just be friends with him because he's handsome Alice!" Vivian huffed as she reached into her clutch for her chapstick. "I know you love him, but I also think it's about time he knew it." Alice just shrugged as a she smiled at the bartender who grabbed her empty glass and headed off to make her another extra dirty vodka martini.

"Oh that's not the only reason I'm friends with him you asshole, he's actually quite nice you just don't know him like I do." Alice explained as Vivian handed her the chapstick, she quickly applied it to her lips before handing it back. "Besides I can't just tell him I love him all willy nilly it has to be like something big and grand." Alice stated as a fresh drink was placed in front of her causing her to smile while Vivian just rolled her eyes as she watched Alice take a nice big sip.

"You should propose!" Alice couldn't help but lean her head back in laughter at Vivian's words, as if she would just drop to a knee and ask Niall to marry her without him even being aware she even had feelings for him in the first place. "I'm not kidding, you can't get much bigger or grander than proposing!" Vivian's eyes were wide with excitement as Alice just rolled her eyes as she took a big swig of her martini causing her to wince a bit as the burning sensation hit her throat.

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