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Atiya pov
Bek stopped the horses as soon as we got to Isis and Osiris's tomb, supposedly where Horus was. Bek caressed Zaya's face. I stared blankly into the distance, feeling nothing until a wave of agony swept over me and I fell to my knees sobbing. Bek embraced me and comforted me.
"Its ok, we'll save her." He reassured. I sighed and composed myself. And with that he and I walked into the temple.
"I don't need any more worshippers, tributes that rot and stink. Unless you brought more wine get out." Horus's voice echoed around the chamber. I remained silent as Bek mad a deal when suddenly... "YOU dare bargain with me?!" The god growled menacingly.
"You're lucky I'm willing to, you couldn't strike a three legged elepant." I gasped. Oh, Bek was playing a dangerous game.
"You'll want a reward I suppose. Gold?" Horus asked.
"Gold I can steal." Bek replied. I watched as Horus struck at my friend again. I continued watching them fight until Horus agreed to help. Bek went to get Zaya and I remained in the tomb.
"And how long were you planning on remaing silent?" Horus inquired. I didn't respond hoping that maybe he would think there was no one else there. "I know you are there." He said calmly.
"How?" I questioned. He chuckled a bit.
"I heard you gasp as I tried to kill you brother. Or is it lover?" He smirked. It took all I had not to smack the god.
"I suppose he's more of a brother than anything." I replied.
"Oh?" Thankfully I was saved from anymore conversation with the god as Bek came in carrying Zaya. Bek laid Zaya onto the marble floor. I gripped her hand in mine.
"It'll be ok." Bek reminded me.
"Stay with the living. Stay with the living. Stay with the living. She's gone beyond where I can reach her." Horus sighed. I let out a small sob and held her close to me.
"But you're a god." Bek tried to reason.
"Gods may live a thousand of your years but we cannot cure mortality." He explained.
"There must be something you can do." Bek replied.
"I've done all I can, it's time for her to walk the path." I watched as Horus called Anubis forth and how Bek argued with him. Bek tossed me his eye.
"Give me my eyes."
"I don't have them." Horus turned to me and I gently placed the eye in his outstreched palm. He popped it back into it's socket and looked at me.
"Where's the other?" I stared right back at him.
"I don't know." I told him. I felt his fingers wrap around my throat and felt my body being lifted into the air, but I didn't fight it, deep down I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Bek then explained how he could get through Set's pyramid of sand and Horus told us that he might be able to bring Zaya back. I was set back on the ground and I grasped my sister's hand once more.
"I'll see you again sister." I placed a kiss on her forehead and went to catch up to Horus and Bek.

Gods of Egypt (Horus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now