Jealous!SpinelxTease!Reader Pt2(GP!)

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Not gonna lie, I was kinda uncomfortable writing this.


One week later

No one POV

After what happened between (y/n) and Spinel, it has been a little weird for both of them. For (y/n), she couldn't seem to get her mind off of their interaction. Every time she got close to Spinel, she would feel a blush creep up her neck. And almost every time Spinel would tease her, or just gush at her adorableness.

For Spinel, she was enjoying every bit of this. She loved to see (y/n) get so flustered just by her being near her. Although Spinel was enjoying this, she couldn't help but think what would happen if she kept going. It also was getting really annoying to see (y/n) nearly faint every interaction they had. Spinel thought that she didn't like her anymore and it made her feel bad, but Garnet reassured her that it was quite the opposite.Spinel had to do something, and she had to do it soon. After a few conversations with Garnet and also some peaking around in magazines Steven hid in his room, she finally knew the solution...

(1 Hour Later)


"Ahh, Spinel", I murmured while watching porn on my phone. After what happened between me and Spinel, I started to get curious. Once I got curious, I started to research, it led me to porn. After finding out what porn was, I started to 'experiment'. Saying that it felt good was an understatement. Thinking about Spinel doing it with me, it turned me on tremendously. It also was enough to keep me away from her. I know that she likes me, but I don't know if she likes me enough to touch me he way I want her to. I scares me, to think that she would leave, after finding out my secret. So I stayed away from her, but it didn't stop me from imagining that she was right there.

I was in our shared bedroom, one hand holding my phone, and one touching my womanhood. My headphones blasting music, while the porno's sound is muted. Soft moans escaped my mouth, as my pace on my clit sped up. I continued to rub and press on my clit roughly, I was close to my climax, when the door was suddenly opened.

No One POV

The door was opened by the pink haired girl herself, Spinel. You quickly jumped under the covers to hide your areas, but she saw enough. To say that she was surprised at the view before her, was a complete understatement. She was so shocked, that she made the bags in her hand fall from her grasp. 

"S-S-SPINEL I-I C-CAN EXP- EXPLAIN!", (y/n) said with tears brimming her eyes.

"I wasn't-"

"ENOUGH!", said Spinel. The tone in her voice, made you gulp. You haven't heard that tone since her fight between the gems.

"Well what do we have here?~"she said with her head hung low, so her eyes weren't see and were replace by shadows. You were stuck. You couldn't move out of your position. You didn't notice the cold sweat starting to go down your face, or the strong, almost painful pulse occurring in your womanhood. 

"It seems that someone has been a little naughty, huh?" Spinel said in her rough childish voice, that was driving you nuts. "What will I have to do to you?" she said. Although (y/n) couldn't see it, Spinel was shaking from excitement,with her mouth drooling having noticed that (y/n) was masturbating to her. her.Moaning her name.her name.

(y/n)'s heart sped up when she saw Spinel walking towards her, her eyes still not visible. The pounding in her vagina,was becoming to hard to handle. 'Spinel take me now' she thought in her mind. "What did you say?" said Spinel. (y/n) gasped, now noticing that she said it out loud.

Spinel x fem half gem! ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя