Chapter 4

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*Last Time*



Your POV

"Uh, h-hi?", I said, trying not to make the situation more awkward.  Jasper then grunts and then stands up, making me and Spinel both fall on the ground. She then grabs me by my shoulders and gives me a big bear hug. "(YYY/NNNNN)!!!!! You came back!! When were you going to tell me you were coming!", said Jasper. 

You might be wondering, ' why is the great cheeto puff talking so cheery with me?' Well, once the diamonds healed all the corrupted gems, including Jasper, I had a conversation which led to me knowing that her and my mother were 'significant others' or whatever that means. So now every time she sees me, she gives me huge hugs and smothers every time I go to mini homeworld. Y'know, you wouldn't really expect this from the person that tried to kill you, TWICE, but I'm fine.

"Y-yeah. I just came back t-today Jasper. *pant* Jasper I c-can't breathe.", I said, face turning blue. " Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, it's just been so boring without you and your 'love is life' attitude even if it's annoying. " "Says the one who keeps trying to hit on lapis." "I-its not like t-that..." "There's no way the big n' bad Jasper just stutter! IT WAS SOOO ADORABBLLLEE!!!" I say while picking her up, throwing her in the air,catching her, and placing her back down. She looks surprised that I could do that so I say," You must didn't expect for me to get stronger while I was gone....", attempting to act sad. "NO! NO! It's not like that, it's just-" "AHEM!! I don't know who you are and to be honest I don't care but (Y/N) is MINE and will ALWAYS be. SO if you will excuse us, we will be going now.", said Spinel. To be honest I was shook. 

Spinel POV

I had to say something, they just kept talking to each other and (Y/N) was completely forgetting that I was there. 

Doesn't she know how that makes me feel? 

For her to be talking to someone so closely?

What's this feeling I'm getting? 

It's cold, so cold.

Then there's warm ones, but they leave eventually. 

'(y/n) doesn't care about you' 

who's that?

'she'll only leave you like ShE  did' 

Who's she? 

'It's not like you deserved her anyways'

Who is SHE?!

'She is-'

My thoughts are ended by none other than (y/n) who was shaking me violently and was screaming my name. 


"H-huh?" "Oh thank god you're okay! I thought you had turned ba- I mean had hurt yourself!" 

What was she just going to say?

"Hey Jasper, uh, me and Spinel are going to go and hang out some more." Said (y/n) who was looking at a pissed off Jasper whom was mad at me for yelling at her.  In honesty, I don't care. (y/n) is my friend. But, I'm still mad at (y/n) for for forgetting I literally exist. Now she gonna get the silent treatment. HMPH!

(Y/N) pov

We just left Jasper and went back into town and was now on the boardwalk. "Hey, Spinel, you okay?" She only turned around and did a 'HMPH' sound. She has been doing that every since we left Jasper. 'Oh. If she wants to do silent treatment, then I too can play that game.' I then pick her up and place her on my shoulders, ignoring the height difference and started running at full speed. Her head was flown back quickly, making it thump on my butt. "AHHHH! (Y/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!" "I'm doing this so you will talk to me. SO, are you going to talk?" "NEVER!" " YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!" I then ran at full speed and made it to the hill in 30 seconds, making Spinel scream louder. I then began to run towards the hill. When she noticed what we were doing, she tried getting out of my grip, only making it tighter. 

"(Y/N) NOOOOO!!!!"

(Y/N) YESSSSSS!!!!" 

Then I jumped off the cliff with Spinel on your back. 

Her being too scared for my safety wrapped her arms and legs around mines ruining your original plan of just using your (g/w) to save us both from the fall. I both fell on the ground, but my fall was broken by none other than Spinel. " SPINEL!!!" "Hehe, I'm going to be fi-" She then poofed. 

You were used to seeing gems getting poofed, to the point where you were immune to seeing nothing but smoke and their gem afterwards. But when Spinel poofed, it hit hard. I felt heartbroken. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't have left. 

I then clutch Spinel's gem, with tears running freely down my eyes. "I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry Sp-spinel" I say with the tears burning my eyes. " Please come back." As soon as I said that, she started to reform, and as soon as she stopped glowing I full on tackled her. "SPINEL!!!", I said . She was looking at me smiling with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" I say. " It's just that I'm getting these fuzzy feelings that I can't point out. It feels like sadness, and anger. I don't feel that way towards you, so why am I feeling it now?", says Spinel.

'She must be getting her memories back'. "U-uh I don't know, but-" I was cut off by phone ringing. It was Steven. "Hello?", I said. "Hey (Y/N), where are you? Aren't you supposed to be coming to the concert tonight? we're trying to get pearl's memories back." "Oh, yeah! I forgot! We'll be there in a few ." I then hang up and put Spinel back on my shoulders. 


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