the party (part 2)

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I'm so tired but I did it just for you I really tried with this one so I hope you like it oh and tell me what you think please see you soon:-D

(June POV)

We all walked in the smell of liquor smacked me right in the face. I took Liam's hand and let him to the dance floor.I then started to dancing on him he looked like he was enjoying himself. After dancing we sent to get drinks.liam gave me a red cup and told me to "drink up". I took the cup and drank it really fast it really burned but it felt good. We drank  some more I can tell he was getting a little tipsy. I said " hey liam let's go dance some more" "sure" he replied. We both went back to the dance floor when we saw harry and Louis making out. They are a cute couple. Liam came up behind me and scared the shit out of me. He started to laugh at me "that was not funny" I told him. He just kept me on laughing. A slow song came on. I looked at him and he said " may I have this dance" "you may" I said with a little giggle. He then pulled my body to his and our faces was so close then I felt my self leaning in and he was to then our lips connected. It felt amazing it felt like sparks were flying. Then We started to make out " I can't believe I'm making out with liam Payne I thought to my self this a night I will never forget. After we finish the guys came over and asked if we were ready to go home " what time is it" I asked,Harry answered "it is 2:30" "OK thanks" I said with a smile. We all left and went to Liam's flat. When we got there the louis,zayn,harry,and niall all said good night. I thought to my self they all have rooms here."yea" said liam "oh did I say that out loud". We both laughed "so were am I going to sleep"I said to him. He laughs and said "with me of course love come on". We both walked up the stairs and went to his room. When we got to his room he gave me a shirt to put one and some sweat pants " they might be big because their mine so yeah" he said. "Thanks liam that is very kind of you" I said back to him with a giggle. He is just so cute I thought as I walked to the bathroom in his bedroom.when I finish changing I walked out and saw that he was already in bed. I walked to the bed and got in bed  "good night liam"."good night June" he replied then turned over so he was facing me the he put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. Then I heard his little snores I then felt so sleepy so I close my eye and went to sleep. This was the best night ever.

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