chapter one.

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I rolled the down window, my eyes excited with an amazement of themselves as they stared through the numerous people finding their own direction. Finally, I was in college. I was in a normal school, like everyone else.

 I was going to live with other people that were not my family, I will be able to sit in a lecture room live every girl my age, I was going to live, like everybody else.Growing up all I had ever wished for was a normal life, to walk down the streets without growing suspicious of anyone who walked past me, without having the fear of been killed, without knowing one person apart from my family. And now, it was at the grasp of my hands. Even though I had to live with another person's identity, I will live this life like it was mine.

The screen of my phone lit up, bring a smile to my lips. It was ian, the only one person I was allowed to keep close apart from my blood. We had been friends for as long as I could remember. He gave me a vision of the world every other kid who wasn't home schooled like me lived. I knew most of his friends as he grew up, though I had never met them, I imagined myself at every amusement park he visited, or every wild and out party he went to in high school, I lived the world through his eyes, and now, I will be able to attend school with him.

A tingle ran through my stomach as I read his text.

Are you here yet?

just got in.I replied.

Can't leave the library yet, will be with you shortly.

I sighed, how the hell did he expect me to patiently wait for him knowing how anxious I was to see him after so long.

I got of the taxi right in front of my hostel, I didn't have much to carry, I couldn't afford to stand out, I had to look like her, the person I was living, I had to be Cherry Lambert, the scholar. I paid my taxi fare in cash, something I had never had to do before carrying my bag to the fourth floor of the six story building. As expected, it was empty, I was the only human there accompanied with a few furniture, two single beds on each side of the room, a matching wooden wardrobe at the side of each bed, a filled out wall self, a table each as well as a chair. I knew I wasn't going to have a roommate, having anybody living with me would be too risky. If anything, the only person I was allowed to talk to in the entire university was Ian.

I took out my phone and texted him once again, asking him what time he would be out, he replied with an am not sure.

What are you wearing? I asked.

A black pair of jeans and a blue shirt, why?

If he wasn't going to come to me, I was going to go to him. I immediately left my room and began in search of the library.

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