1 | missed me, steph? |

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  Stephanie Kaye  ⤴

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  Stephanie Kaye  


"OPEN IT!" shrieked Prissy as her voice shrilled and bounced off the decaying bathroom walls.

It was the first year of high school at Derry High for Najma and her inner-circle of friends. The narrow corridors were congested with clutters of bustling students, as well as seniors filled with sheer, outright confidence, trembling freshman, and the sounds of friendly chatters which reverberated around the halls, fixing an amiable feeling of belonging. Derry High was a moderate high school - or 'an inexplicable shithole' as Prissy would say - that's known for it's hopeless baseball team and it's renowned culture for hosting an activity day carnival called Derry High's Day of Dance.

In Derry High's Day of the Dance, everyone is separated in their grades and compete in competitions. At the end, a frolicsome disco is thrown in the gymnasium that leaves all classrooms empty (except for those adventurous couples who sneak into the empty classrooms to make out). This year's Day of the Dance was rumoured to be 'absolutely epic' to distract everyone from the horrific murders that were happening in the trifling town of Derry.

Najma, Lola and Prissy were currently in the girls bathroom, leering at a cryptic envelope Stephanie held in her freshly manicured hands that was marked with a bright, red 'x' at the front and a message saying "For Steph" at the back. Stephanie turned back to look at her eager friends, her blue eyes glinting with uncertainty as well as contrasting with her grungy make up which made her look fierce and fixed an unusual aesthetic aura around her.

"You guys, I-", Stephanie started, but before she could finish, Prissy violently grabbed the envelope almost giving poor Stephanie a paper cut and teared it open. Prissy's downturned eyes darted across the sheet of paper as she read it and she looked up at the three - rather irritated - girls and shot them a grotesque look.

"Well what does it say?" queried Lola, pulling at her beaded bracelet (which Stephanie gave to her in the 4th grade, she also gave bracelets to Najma and Prissy).

Prissy harshly shoved the letter into Najma's arms, and turned to look at herself in the arched bathroom mirror, carefully eyeing the girls from the reflection. Najma pursed her round lips and read the letter aloud:

"Missed me, Steph?

because I missed you,

the way you talk, the way you move

your perfect eyes, your perfect hair,

how gorgeous you look when I stare,

promise you will be mine forever to come,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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