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You were sitting and watching a movie in the living room with Jungkook. Actually you were already sleeping in his arms. He wasn't paying the attention to the movie anymore, prefere to stare at your sleeping face. It was your week off from work, because of your health condition.

The situation between you two stabilized after you two talked about what happened the day Jungkook kissed that girl, because he was so jealous. Since that day he were trying to spend all his free time with you.

Everything started a few weeks later. You were feeling so dizzy and fainted at work. At the beginning you weren't worried about it. But soon you started freaking out a little bit because there was a possibility that you might be pregnant. You told Jungkook about it and he decided to go with you to the doctor to check it.


You were sitting in a waiting room for the blood test results with Jungkook and you've never felt like that in your entire life. You were so nervous, because it was the day that everything could change for both of you. Your breath was so unstable because of the stress, but Jungkook on the other hand was sitting there calmly holding your hand. Both of you were wearing masks just in case someone would recognize him.

YOU: "How can you be so calm right now?" - you asked annoyed.

JUNGKOOK: "Why are you so nervous?"

YOU: "Because my life will completly change if the test shows  that I'm pregnant..."

JUNGKOOK: "Our life. Our life will change. So what?" - you were really surprised, you've never seen him that calm and confident.

YOU: "So what?!" - you scoffed - "Have you even thought about what we're gonna do?"

He looked directly in your eyes.

JUNGKOOK: "I'm thinking about it all the time. But first of all, you don't know if anything will change. Second of all, if it will change we have no choice, but to love that child and raise it as good as we can. So don't freak out."

Your look softened after his words.

YOU: "You know what?" - you said - "If I'm pregnant, I'm glad that you're the father."

He squeezed your hand and even tho you couldn't see his face, you knew he was smiling to you happily.

Finally you were called.

YOU: "Wanna go with me?" - you asked him.

JUNGKOOK: "Of course..."

You both came in and sat down.

DOCTOR: "Hello, are you ready to know your test results?"

You just nodded. Jungkook took your hand gently and interwined your fingers.

DOCTOR: "Well, your're not pregnant." - she smiled to comfort you, because she noticed that you were so nervous - "The reason that you collapsed and that your period isn't on time is because of a lot of stress. It happens quite often, so you really have to take care of yourself. If you will work too much and don't eat well, you can easily ruin  your health."

You heaved a sigh of relief.

DOCTOR: "I would recommend you to take a few days off from your work and relaxed." - she smiled t you and looked at Jungkook - "Your boyfriend should make sure you're not overexerting yourself."

JUNGKOOK: "I will, thank you, doctor." - he bowed to her.

YOU: "Thank you for everything, doctor." - you stood up and bowed.

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