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November 4, 198401:10Hawkins Lab

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November 4, 1984
Hawkins Lab

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

Ten rolled her eyes at Ron's mumbling from where she was sitting in the passenger seat of the car that she had stolen and forced Ron to drive her back to Hawkins.

Her mind flashed back to Eleven, she could only hope that the curly haired girl had gotten her message to come back, to come home and help fight.

Teddy's eyes then moved from her lap out the windshield as the car turned, pulling up to a dark Hawkins Lab, cars scattered around the parking lot. She barley noticed that Ron was still mumbling, quickly getting out of the car as soon as it had stopped moving.

It was just a building. It couldn't hurt her. They couldn't hurt her.

Not anymore.

She turned her dark eyes away from the talk building and walked over to where Ron still sat in the driver's seat, the window down.

"Go home." Teddy instructed, not wanting the man to get involved.

Ron finally looked over at the thirteen year old from
where he had been staring ahead in shock. He had tried to put Hawkins Lab behind him, live a normal life, but one teenage girl had changed that in less than a day.

He cast a look back at the lab. It was a death trap. He knew that.

"No." He told the girl, surprising both of them, "I can't let you go in their alone." He answered at the girl's raised eyebrow.

He knew that after everything she had been through, everything that the lab had done to her, he knew that she was still just a kid. He couldn't let her walk into her death alone.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Ten nodded, still surprised by the man wanting to stay. She stood back as he climbed out of the car, both of them facing the lab.

Images of experiments, the gate, the demogorgan, and Papa flashed behind her eyes, though she quickly pushed them away as she started moving forward.

"Stay behind me." She told Ron who nodded, walking a few paces behind her as they made their way up the steps and towards the front door.

Teddy took a deep breath before raising her hand to the door and pushing it open, stepping inside of the building she had escaped from almost a year ago.

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