"I ain't say I wanted Luna. If I did, I would've had lil mama. But I sure did hear her tell you how uninterested she was when you tried making advances"
"Ohhhhhh! "
I heard them other boys mock Sean. I didn't realize we had drawn some attention. I chuckled at him wickedly starring into his eyes before walking away.

Getting to my crib. I see a Royce parked there. I called the attention of my head security asking who that was.
"Its your pops boss"
"The fuck" I murmured to myself before driving to park my Bentley in my garage. I rushed into my crib and saw my dad seated.
"Whatchu doing here? " I asked as I shut the door behind me.

"Hi son

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"Hi son. Nice place you've got here. Its a shame you haven't paid your father a visit since you were back in town."
I scoffed and made my way to the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water, cos seeing my pops just got me dehydrated. Immediately I stepped into the kitchen, I wished I never did.
"Jamari. Oh uhm I was kinda thirsty so I thought I could get some water ". Starring hard at Janice, Jamari wanted to strangle her so bad.

 Starring hard at Janice, Jamari wanted to strangle her so bad

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"You've got some nerve bitch. Get the fuck outta my kitchen. " Jamari happened to be calmer than he expected. The sad look Janice gave him only reminded him how much of a fake bitch she was. He wasn't fazed one bit. She was still a snake to him.
"Jamari please I thought we're pas-"
"Oh yeah we're pask this Janice, that's why you shouldn't be here right now. "
"Save me the bullshit and leave my kitchen " Jamari was trying hard not to grab Janice and toss her out. He watched as she was about to return the bottle of water to the fridge.
"Aye don't put that back. Its most likely infected. You know how I am. I take hygiene seriously "
I didn't care if I was harsh. Janice deserved every form of Ill treatment. She's been too damn horrible.
"Jamari!  Oh now you wanna disrespect me. Why can't you get over it! "
"Oh i'm so over it Janet!  Or is it Jane? See, I've fucking forgotten cos I've moved on. I'm happy with my new girl. Shes more than you're ever gonna be. Know that." The color from Janice's face seemed to have drained away. She didn't believe Jamari had moved on. How come  she never saw anything on the blogs? Is he being private about it? He loves her that much to keep her off them internet trolls? Janice felt something; jealousy, anger. Yup, that was it.
"What? " Jamari heard Janice whisper to herself.
"What's going on in here son? You're not disrespecting my wife are you? "
"I don't got shit to say to my ex girlfriend dad. You both should leave. Now! "
Terrence Carter frowned hard at his son. The tension between father and son was thick. Terrace smirked at Jamari, who still had a mug on.
"There's a meeting at the company next week Thursday. You should be there. Janice baby, let's go. We've overstayed our welcome."
"You're not welcome into my home. The both of you should maintain the distance between us. And Janice, my woman wouldn't appreciate you being in her kitchen. If you sneak in next time, have that in mind." Janice tried hard not to show the emotions she felt, but Jamari could see them in her eyes.
Terrance cleared his throat and Janice walked up to him. Jamari watched them lock hands and once again the pain these two had caused him shot through his chest. He heard the door slam and he knew they had left. Jamari palmed his face as if to wipe off the pain. He grabbed two bottles of Hennessey and headed upstairs. Once again, the pain Jamari felt a year ago came back. He felt vulnerable again. He entered his room and dropped the bottles on his night stand and headed downstairs to retrieve his phone from the kitchen island.
Entering into the kitchen, Jamari's emotions had the best of him. He pulled down the entire plate rack and the sound it the plates shattering seemed to anger him more. He opened up the cabinet that had glasses and in a second they were all on the floor in pieces. Feeling a little bit satisfied, he headed for his room. He needed to smoke a blunt or more, and top it up with some Hennessey. And that's exactly what he did.


Stretching and yawning hella hard, I finally woke up. That nap was needed . I went to use the bathroom and came out to check the time.
"Oh Satan, what have you done!" It was 6:30pm. How the hell did I not hear my alarm! I'm so fired. I quickly did my hygiene and dressed up. My uber arrived and I headed straight for Jabari's.

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I'm scared as shit. I just arrived at Jamari's, and I'm thinking of what reason to give for my lateness.
"Deep breaths Luna" I coach myself as I finally open the door and let myself in. The lights are turned off. Hmm, weird. I find the switch and turn it on. Light floods the entire downstairs area. I don't see Jamari in sight. He's probably not at home! I jogged to the kitchen to start making him an amazing dinner to make him forgive me for not being here for lunch. Getting into the kitchen, I turn on the lights and what I see frightens the hell outta me.
"Oh my gosh, what's all this" I carefully avoid the broken glasses and ceramics on the floor as I head into the kitchen space.
"Someone didn't do this to push the blame to me right? "
"Why the fuck you late? "
"Ahhh! " I screamed and turned around in all swiftness. Jamari stood at the kitchen door, eyes red and hooded as fuck. Its either he's high as hell or I work for a vampire.
"I'm so sorry, I uhm, I was definitely gonna show up, I just got back from the hospital then decided to take a quick nap, but then things didn't go as planned and.... I swear I was gonna show up-"
"Shut up Luna." Jamari said in his deep sexy ass voice.
"Huh?" I questioned rather rhetorically, in fright. He starred deep in my eyes from across the room, like he was cooking up what to say to me internally before spewing it on me like hot water.
But...seems like that wasn't was he was doing, considering the fact that he was now slowly walking towards me, eyes still hooded, but his strides were slow and looked so hot. I gasped when I realized he was now extremely close, arms trapping me at the sink. History is repeating itself, first Sean now Jamari. But it did feel good now that its Jamari, if you want me to be honest.
"You get on my nerves short stuff. " He murmured deeply. His voice os doing things to my body. I'm hella confused and scared at the same time. My heart is beating like crazy right now. Wait!  He's breath smells like...alcohol? Has he been drinking?
I gasp again when he places his palms on my face. I look up into his hooded eyes. What is this nigga on? But why am I secretly loving this. I bite on my bottom lip in nervousness, still starring into Jamari's eyes. Damn he's so tall, it makes my height look cute.
"Have you been drinking? " I asked him in a whisper, finally finding my voice.
He licked his pink, soft and sexy looking lips while starring at mine. He looked back into my eyes and smirked. Is it just the influence of the alcohol or does he have mental issues.
"I needed to feel better Luna" My name never sounded that good until he started saying it. Aww. Is he hurt.
"Are you hurting Jamari? " immediately I said that I wished I could take it back. His face was no longer soft. His facial expression became unreadable, and I became scared. He dropped his hands from my face while looking me in the eyes with what looked like anger, or more of danger.
"Get out" I didn't see that coming.
"What? "
"Are you fucking deaf! Get out, go home, whatever, just get out. " I looked at him in confusion. This nigga is retarded. I should have been wise enough to get my purse and get the hell outta here, but the foolishness in me said otherwise. Before I knew what was happening, Jamari tossed me on his shoulders and headed for the main door.
"Jamari! Put me down! You're drunk! Don't drop me! "
"Shut up! " He said with so much authority, I didn't know when I became mute.
He opened up the door and tossed me making me fall hard on my ass.
"Ouch! Uhhh" I groaned due to how my butt was hurting. He looked at me for sometime, it seemed like he wanted to pick me up and apologize. But once again I was a fool, cos this nigga just shut the door in my fucking face!
"Fuck you Jamari! Satan is definitely using you tonight! I hope whatever you're going through eats you up like maggots on a rotten apple! " seems like I was talking to myself. I got up and headed out of his property, heading for Pamela's. I shouldn't have cone here at all.

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