Chapter 18: Yes, I Am

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Nico POV

I was actually enjoying myself with this beautiful man candy beside me. Lucien and I had damn near watched every movie in the cabin, we were snuggled and it felt so good to be sitting with my mate and for once not having to watch him slip away. Lucien stiffened and turned his head towards the door and like a flash of light he was gone. I was completely confused untill I heard the 'stupid partiers' return and once again I was heartbroken. I didn't ask for this stupid shit. I was normal living a normal life untill Mr. Wolf stormed in and took over. Everyone walked in and slumped into the nearest seat they could find.

"Hey Nico, What did you do while we were out? You totally should have came, the view was amazing" Delia asked. "Um nothing really D, just watched some movies and that's about it". Delia shook her head and just continued talking to everyone and showing me pictures from her phone. I couldn't lie the view was amazing, beautiful tall trees that looked straight out of an wilderness magazine. I wanted to be able to enjoy this with her and even with him but it wasn't going to happen I just needed to realize it wasn't.

The group decided they were going to start some movies, but I didn't really want to pretend i would enjoy them the same way that i did with Lucien. I just couldn't bring myself to even relive it not now with all of them giggling and enjoying this together. I stood up and was about to walk away when I felt a soft touch to my wrist, J turned to see Cynthia looking back up at me, her blue eyes were stunning, she was stunning. "Yes?" I asked her, she motioned her head towards the kitchen and yep, like a lost puppy I followed.

"Um Nico, Right?.. I shook my head. "I was looking for Lucien. "Have you seen him"?. She stood there with those eyes and watched me.
"Yeah. He was watching a movie with me, but he didn't stay down there long you could've asked me that in the lounge. Why bring me in here"? I wanted to know the mystery reason behind her wanting to see me in private. "Oh I'm sorry Nico. I could smell his scent all over the couch and I just wasn't thinking clearly, like maybe y'all had been.... ya know". I stepped back from her and tried to muster up a shocked face but I'm not a good actor. "No. He wasn't down there with me long". I didn't want to be mean to her or even be nasty this wasn't her fault that I felt this way. Cynthia smiled an said thank you and walked back into the lounge with everyone else. I released a breath and started my journey upstairs to my room these days were beginning to feel longer then shit.

I felt so relieved when I made it to my room and away from the happy people down stairs. It was actually sickening me that no one, well except Delia and Jace but they were my family and it just didn't count. I didn't want Cynthia to see me. "Ugh"! This day sucks like the damn rest. I decided to just take a relaxing hot bath and call it a early night like I've done since we've been here. I opened the bathroom door and almost pissed myself. There he was sitting by a fully filled tub with bubbles and glass of red wine, my mate, and jesus how mercy if he didn't look good enough to eat. We locked eyes, as I bit my lip damnit why did he have to look so freaking sweet. "Come here Mate, Let me treat you for even if it's just one night". I went to him without any hesitation. I wanted him and it was so hard to push him away when he was so close. I stood in front of him determined that whatever we did tonight I wouldn't be ashamed or regret because my heart was meant to be his even when the world clearly didn't want us to be.

Lucien slowly raised my tank top over my head and slowly slide his hands to my shorts and breathed in. I was definitely turned on by his appreciation of my body and how it wanted to be tamed by him, but also tonight felt different it almost felt like he just wanted to see me, to love me, to worship me. He slide my shorts down and kissed my hip, a small loan slipped from my mouth and his hands balled up. "Oh mate, you make me want to do things to you that would shy the devil himself, but not tonight mate. Step in". I did exactly as I was told, I wanted tonight just as much as he did right now.

 I did exactly as I was told, I wanted tonight just as much as he did right now

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It was perfect. I was already in love with the scenery that I could look out to while I bathed but having Lucien here and the way he had ran the perfect water with bubbles and oils made it three million times better.
Lucien gave me the glass of wine as I relaxed my body further in the water I felt like his woman, and I didn't want it to end. Lucien grabbed the luffa and lifted one of my legs and begun washing my feet and legs. We didn't speak we just gazed in each others eyes, we didn't need words right then to describe how much we both wanted each other our souls spoke with our gaze. I never want this night to end. I wanted him to keep going and never walk out of this room tonight, but I knew this night would end and I just prayed he stayed a little while longer.

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