Chapter 2: The Bikini Mistake

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Nico POV

"Omg, Bitch. You came to the beach looking like a fucking Goddess" Delia says as she watches me walk towards her through the sand. I could feel my hips swaying and my plum ass bouncing through the sheer fabric of the bikini. I looked back to see Jace still sitting in the truck with his eyes pinned straight at me, not blinking once. "What's wrong with Jace?"  Delia asks. I just shrugg m y shoulders and walked passed her and started to head to the ocean. I loved the ocean, the cool crisp feel of each wave hittimg you always put me in a mood I just couldn't explain. It made me feel so relaxed, and a little tingly in my lower regin..... Delia, has told me that for me to be 21 and still a virgin but still have freaky sensations and tendencies just blew her mind. That I should be somewhere between a nympho and hoe. The thought of her face when she says it through me in to loud laugh.... "So bitch why you over here laughing? " Delia asks me while grinning. I just shake my head... Jace finally comes an joins us, sitting right betweens us on the beach towel. Delia lays back and says something uner her breath and then starts to giggle. "What was that De?". I asked, but she didn't respond on giggled louder. "Fine, I'm going to get in the water"!  I huffed out and got up an walked off.


Letting the water take me. As I walked in I felt relief, relief from everything. The waves made me feel so beautiful, and so loved. After about ten minutes of just standimg there letting the waves brush against my curvy body. I felt warm soft hands caress my hips. I turn to see Jace standing with a look in his eyes I have never seen when he looked at me. "Hey Nico" he said with a slow hypnotic tone. Jace was gorgeous, with his creamy brown skin beauitful dark brown eyes and a smile just like Delia's.  I turned to face him as a wave knocked my body staright up next to his. "Sorry Jace, that wave was strong."  I giggled out. But he didn't respond. Those brown eyes just stared at me. I felt so warm and confused all at one. "Was De not coming out here with us Jace?". I asked while biting down on my bottom lip.

Jace smiled. And pulled my body closer to his while another wave rollled over us. "Nah, she said she wanted to lay out for awhile". He said not once looking away from me. I couldn't help but to blush an try to pull away some. As if he read my mind he held on a little tighter. "Um Jace, is everything okay?". I asked as I bushed a wavy string of hair behind my ear. He starred letting his eyes wonder to my breast as the water pushed against them leavig a silky gleam to my mounds. Jace licked his lips and looked back to my eyes. "Nico, you look so good in that bikini, I can't stop looking at you or even get you out of my mind". I froze, not knowing what to say to him after that. I never thought of Jace ever seeing me attractive or let alone sexy. He moved closer and his  right hand slowly slid to my lower back, pulling  me closer to his well built muscular frame. He licked his plump lips and asked "Nico, I want to ask if I can kiss you, but before you answer. Yes I have always felt something for you, but untill today I never had the courage."  My heart fluttered. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stood there. Before I could answer his lips were pressed against mine in a heated passion. I don't know if it was the waves or his kiss that pushed me over the edge of lust.

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