Chapter 12: A Whole New World

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Nico POV

I woke up feeling refreshed. I had never slept as good as I did last night wrapped up in the arms of a complete stranger. Yep, I definitely had lost it. I felt so safe and incredibly warm and even loved laying still curled up to this beautiful man. I listened to his deep steady breathing an watched his chest rise an set. He was a beast of a man and I couldn't wait to see what he could do with his muscular body. I could feel the heat erupting between my thighs I clenched them together tightly. I had to find a way to get out of this bed.

Finally after fighting his large frame an massive legs that were tangled with mine I made it off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I need a hot bath and to do my morning routine before I headed off to work, how would I even manage working? And having to look at Delia after knowing all the lies she has told.. Today was definitely going to be a long an hard day. I started the bath water an added my oils and a drop of honey to my water, I slid the sheer red robe off an eased in the steaming hot water. And of course luck was never on my side because as soon as my ass hit the bottom of the tub here came his hot ass with a smile. "Goodmorning beautiful mate, I'm so glad you ran us a bath" I gulped. "Umm Lucien why dont you wait till I'm done" and before I could finish he was sliding down behind me an pulled me to his chest. Now I'm not going to lie I was hot an bothered an it wasn't from the waters. I could feel how much he was excited by the bulge that was pushing to rearrange my spin. Just fuck it, whatever happens happens right?

*Mature Scene*

I could feel his breath on my neck as his fingers traced my collar bone. I wanted him to touch me, I wanted to feel his lips on my skin. I leaned in to his touch and a slight moan left my lips. I could feel him smile against my neck. His fingers began to travel lower. It felt like fire was erupting on my skin I licked my lips an pushed my body back against his. I was giving him the sign to continue. His low growl was enough approval for me I leaned my head back to rest on his shoulder as I prayed his fingers kept moving. Finally his fingers were on my mound he gave it a quick squeeze and moaned "Mate, I can't wait untill I can feel your body purr under mine, I want to feel your cum mix with mine" I felt like I was on fire, the more his hand explored my slick pussy. He nibbled my ear and growled as two fingers were inserted. "Oh.. Lucien" I could hold them in no longer as he pulled out an pushed those thick fingers back in. "My Nico, My Mate, My Delicious Only. I want you to cum for me" he started to work his fingers faster an I couldn't stop the moans that left my lips and when he took his other hand an grabbed my breast I came undone. After I climaxed he just held me on the water gently rubbing my arms an stomach. After we washed up an rinsed we climbed out of the tub. I didn't really know what to say so I went to the closet and grabbed my clothes when I came back out he was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands I guess he felt my presence because he lifted his head an motioned for me to come to him.

I walked over and kneeled down beside him and what he said next floored me.. "Nico, I must go I have duties back with my packs. This is not typical for a wolf to live his mate once he or she has been found, but I can not take you with me as of yet." I shocked as to why he was telling ms this after making such a big deal of me being his 'so called mate".

"Lucien, I.. I don't understand, why are you telling me this?".  It may have been weird but the little time that I already spent with him I didn't want him to leave not yet anyways. He grabbed my hands an pulled me up on his lap. "It is complicated enough Nico, with finding you. I have been told since I was born that I would never have a mate and my family has been very keen on me being promised to another to keep my pack strong. That is why I am Alpha to two packs I have already mated with another".

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