Strange Kid

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I ran over roof tops in Metropolis, I'm not from here but I had been there enough times to know where to go, to go steal it back and take down Metropolis's Luther Corp building, or try to anyways. What was I doing over there? Well I was stealing something, it was mine to begin with, Luther Corp got ahold of it and I wanted it back, in the process trying to take it down. I jumped a roof and rolled staying down as a bang went down and the ground shook I turned around some and smirked as I saw the green flames starting at the base of Luther Corp. I stood pulled my hood down a little more making sure everything was secured so I didn't show my true identity and ran but stopped some as I heard something land behind me and I kinda had a hunch. Kryptone. I froze in place and swallowed hard. Hello Luther. That's president Luther, to you. He snapped some I turned. You were the one responsible for the explosion? What upset Superman didn't show up? I snapped some which hurt to say out loud. I'm half tempted to jerk the hood down and find out who's under there. I smirked some. But you won't, see Lex I got this little defense mechanism now. I said holding the necklace up. Next time you steal it, the real owner might come after you. He stiffed a laugh. I know the owner, she's shy and quiet, she won't even attempt hurting me. She hired me to get it back, what else do you think she would hire me for? He stopped some. There are other ways to hurt you, with out actually touching you... I wonder how well your son's doing in Paris. I smiled and did a backwards swan dive before grabbing the grappling hook and swinging off to an allyway to my bike

14 years before Clark Pov

I came walking out of my room and went across the hall, I knew mom was now just getting up so that meant my almost three year old sister wasn't up yet. I opened the door and much to my shock she was awake and standing on her bed and leaning on the toddler safety bed railing, and as soon as she saw me she started bouncing. Cark! I smirked as she became more excited. Hey Dylabug. I said picking her up, she layed her head down on my shoulder as I walked out of the room I smirked some as I saw on the right side near the back of her neck right where her neck attached to her head, near her right ear was her birthmark, it was in a shape of a four pointed star. Three years ago mom and dad had a kid, they had been told they couldn't have kids and they adopted me, after that something with my ship happened and mom in a way got healed and she got pregnant, an accident happened and mom lost the baby, but what they weren't expecting was the fact she actually was supposed to have twins Dylan or my baby sister was born during the summer, the summer I went Awall and went to Metropolis. We almost lost the farm but Lex I guess bought it, and we were able to stay. That was awesome because it was my childhood home and Dylan would get the same chance. I smirked putting her in the highchair as mom came running down the stairs. Clark I got called in your father has to get some stuff from the store he also agreed to go help clean up a field for someone I need you to watch your sister. Mom- she kissed my cheek and went out I looked at Dylan and back at the door and back at Dylan. Are you any good a collage math? She laughed some and patted the tray table. Thought so. I said getting Dylan some toast and putting some strawberry Jelly on it since she couldn't have grapes I didn't know what I was going to do, I had a few classes today, and I had Dylan.

Slight skip Lex
Watch your baby sister? Yes Lex I'm desperate. Clark said as we walked into my office I frowned some and nodded. Guess I could while you're at school, I mean how hard could it be? Great, here's her bag, car seat and if she gets a little upset music helps, oh and she's basically potty trained, you'll probably have to ask her, have fun. He said before walking to the door. Wait, Clark I- what? He was gone I looked down at Dylan who looked at the door, sure I had been around later after I got off the island when the Kent's had Dylan but I hadn't actually been left alone with the almost three year old, I stared a bit kinda scared she would start crying but she didn't she kinda just looked at the door some frowning. Hey there Dylan. I said kinda stepping forward she turned and looked up with these deep green eyes and smiled some I sighed some picking her up. This is gonna be easy, cause you're not gonna cry at all. I said in a tone as a grown man I typically don't use. Yeah you're not gonna cry are you? No. I smiled some as it made her laugh, and my stomach dropped. And you won't have to pee... Right? She laughed some I mean it was her normal laugh but in my head it translated to "Lex you're screwed."

I had taken her out as I needed out of the house and I couldn't leave the kid alone, I had taken her to the park where I was supposed to meet with Clark so he could pick her up I was pushing her on the swing and she was enjoying it pretty well, when I had to answer a call, I still stood there pushing the swing. Hey Clark. her whole face lit up as she heard her brother's name I smiled some. yeah we're at the park, oh? You guys ok? I asked slightly concerned at his comment, basically his dad had thrown his back out doing some work and had to at least stay over night at the hospital, he was held up at the University and wouldn't be back til late and his mom obviously was with his dad. Ok, yeah no I have no problem keeping her til tomorrow, ok keep me posted. I hung up and she frowned as if she knew something was up, but started laughing as I did what Clark called blast off, which was you shook the baby swing to the side lightly and then went back to just pushing the swing.

Everything had been running smoothly, I had figured out a lot of the stuff that Clark meant, including how to tell when she needed to pee, or something. But that wasn't the point, Because at some point I was sitting there playing the piano, she had been sitting in the floor playing with her toys when something weird happened I looked up for a minute and she was holding a toy over her head, but not with her hands something bright green was levitating it, and when I looked at Dylan her eyes which were typically deep green were a bright neon green. Hey Dylan watcha doing? I asked standing up and crouching in front of her, she dropped her hands and I caught the toy and frowned some and she smiled laughing. Alright do you normally do this? I have a feeling you don't. I said as the kid didn't talk much, I mean she could but she didn't. I stood grabbing my phone and watched her still pretty hesitant. Hey Clark call me back when you get this message, something weird just happened with Dylan, I don't know how to explain it without sounding crazy but it's weird.

Next morning
Clark never got my message, and it didn't happen again, so I thought maybe I had just been a little more tired than I thought but something just felt weird and strange about the whole thing and I didn't know what to do about it, that kid was probably going to be a strange one.

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