When I went to the kitchen to get my dinner, my father gave me that disapproving look that I knew he would, so I took my plate and as I headed up to my room.  My mom called after me, “Kaylie, honey, why don't you eat with us tonight?”  Her eyes pleaded for me to stay, but there was no way that I would.  Why should I?  No one wanted me to be with them, anyways.

I studied her before asking, “Why?  It's not like you ever asked me to before.”

“Honey, you always walk away.  Why don't you join your family for once?” she said sweetly.

“Family?  Is that what you call this?” I shouted, running to my bedroom.  I heard my mom crying from the kitchen, but I didn't care the least bit.  I ate in the peace of my bedroom, feeling somewhat satisfied.  After dinner, I threw my dirty dishes in the kitchen, and then went upstairs, opening up to my homework.  I spread it out on my bed around me, but the more I looked at it, the more that I didn’t want to do it.  Not having even done a single assignment, I threw my books back in my bag, and hopped into my personal shower.  Each bedroom in my house had its’ own bedroom, which I always appreciated because it gave me even more privacy.

 I let the cold water down on me, and felt my eyeliner beginning to run down the side of my cheek.  I appreciated the iciness of the water, relieving me from the stress in my life.  As I showered, I felt like all of my worries were being washed away.  My shower became a bit of a comfort zone for me.

When I got out of the water, I looked at myself in the mirror.  I saw a girl with too pale of a face, and ruined make up.  My eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow streaked my face, thanks to the water in the shower that I drowned it all off.  As I looked at myself, the only word that came to mind was “ugly”.  I finally saw what everyone else has seen my whole life, but back then, I had been far too stupid to realize it.  Why did I let my optimistic mood swallow me, when all it was turned out to be a lie?  Never again would I allow myself to live a lie.

At night I fell asleep on my bed, and no matter how many blankets I threw on, it was still freezing.  I woke up in the middle of the night, annoyed by the chill in the air.  It took a while, but I eventually fell back asleep to dream land.  Honestly, I never remember my dreams, but this time I did, and it seemed so real.  It was like I was Alice from Wonderland.  I stood in some big forest, so small with a huge caterpillar in front of me.  I bet that the dream was triggered by the fact that I had watched too much of that movie when I was little.  He kept asking me if I remembered him, and I repeatedly said no.  Then he kept asking me if I remembered myself.  I said, “Don't be ridiculous.”

In the morning, my alarm rang.  It was school time again.  I threw my dark clothes on my body, and some heavy make up all over my pale face.  It was then that I realized that I probably looked like a vampire these past few weeks.  That fact sort of scared me, but I really didn't care.  I went to the kitchen and found a note from my mom saying that she had to run to work early and she already dropped Lindsey off at school.  I went out to the garage and grabbed my bike, and began peddling it down the street.  

I started down our street, and then turned right onto Laynt Rd., passing right by Langer's home.  Oh, and guess who was home?  Langer was sitting on his porch, and I saw him smile at me and wave.  I’m not sure what made me do so, but I stopped my bike right in front of the gate to his home.  He came and met me by the entrance.

“Kaylie, I am so sorry,” he began to apologize, but I cut him off.  

“No, I am the one who is sorry,” I told him.  “I was the fool who ran away, and threw away her life.”

“When did you figure all that out?” he laughed.

I cracked a smile and said, “I shouldn't have done that to you, and I'm sorry.  After everything that you did for me, too!  I am such a fool, and hope that you accept my pardon, Langer.  Honestly.”  I looked down at myself and frowned for my whole outfit was insane without a doubt.  The dress I wore was way too short, and quite inappropriate.  I sighed and Langer accepted my apology before asking why I had sighed.  “My outfit!  My life!  I wish that I could just be me again,” I said with tears coming to my eyes.

The Child That Never Was (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now