Getting to know eachother.... kinda

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(If you didn't read the description, Louisa is Sam's cousin, Louisa is also me)

Louisa's p.o.v

Sam got off of me, so I look up to see the four main characters of one of my favorite tv shows of all time..... the teenage mutant ninja turtles. They looked like how they did when they finally defeated Shredder, it was actually kinda cool. "It's the turtles!" The dude yells and gets in a fighting stance, I lean against the wall at this. "You know you're the only person here, and there's about five people here who know how to fight. Right?" I ask him, he looks at his thug friends and groans "these guys are idiots, couldn't even win a fight against a girl."

Raph rolled his eyes and knocked the dude out before he even got a chance to fight "I'm done with tonight, let's go home" the turtles look at us and blink in unison. Sam dusts herself off from the ground and says "well, we don't got a home, looks like we gotta find one Weeza." I look at her and say "yep, let's go" we start walking to the end of the alley, but a hand stops me. The hand was three fingered, but I look up to see Donnie, I blush and look at Sam who got stopped by Leo. "We have to let them live with us" Leo says making Raph say "what?! But I don't want to live with her."

Sam looks at him confused "you want one of us to come, who is it??? Is it me????" I roll my eyes "for all you know it could be me Sam!" I say offended. Raph shook his head saying "no, I meant short haired brown haired girl, not you" I glare at him. "Well you're annoying anyways!" Mikey just says "aweee snap! You just got burned Raph- ow!" Raph hit him upside the head. "You're so dead!" Raph says, jumping to tackle me, I put my arms up so I won't get hit in the face. Next thing I know is someone else grabs my arm and pulls me away from where I just was.

I move my arms to see Donnie "thanks" I say looking down "no problem, Raph calm down!!" Raph just growls, but Leo grabs Raphs shoulder. "It's okay Raph, she won't always be like this, right?" They're all looking at me "no, I won't. I might get more childish the more you get to know me" Sam rolls her eyes "she's not kidding either." Donnie finally let me go so I ask "what.... are your guys' names? Also thanks for taking that dude out." Leo nods saying "Leonardo, but just call me Leo-" "the name's Raph-" "Donatello, or Donnie for short-" "Michelangelo! You can call me Mikey, Angelo is my middle name."

Sam laughs a little ands says "well I'm Sam, and this is my cousin, Chico!" "Sam!!! She's lying, my name is actually Louisa" I glare at her. She just laughs and says "sorry, I couldn't help myself!!" Raph smirks at this "we're gonna get along just fine." Leo glares at Raph, Mikey is just watching this as it happens "well, if you're taking us in, we're gonna get to your place at some point. Right???" I ask not wanting to stay out here for long, Donnie nods his head saying "come on." The turtles jumped up to the roof, while Sam and I had to climb up the fire escape, it took a minute, but we got there.

"They're gonna slow us down!" Raph says annoyed, so Sam, being herself, jumps across a roof easily "I do parkour" she says and waits for us with a smirk. Leo looked at her shocked "scratch that, shorty over here will slow us down" I glare at Raph. "Just because you're a tall mutant, doesn't mean that I'm short!" I say offended "then you're short compared to me. Now hurry up and get over here!" Sam says, Raph laughs and jumps over, Leo followed, then Mikey. Now it's just Donnie and I on here "I can give you a piggy back ride" Donnie offers with a shrug.

I sigh and say "okay, only if you're comfortable with-" "it's fine, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't comfortable with it-" "stop flirting and get over here!" Leo and Sam yell. I blush and say "shut up!!" Donnie laughs a little and leans down for me to jump on his back. I do, and he runs over to the other roof "okay, now let's get going" Leo says and everyone but me starts to jump across rooftops. We finally got to where the turtles were going too, and they dropped into an alley "so you live in an alley?" I ask, trying to be dumb. Raph rolls his eyes and says "no, how would we eat if we lived in an alley??" Mikey just says "we live in the sewers."

Donnie set me down as Leo opened the sewer lid, Raph went down first, then Leo did, Sam just jumped down without even caring. Mikey went next, then Donnie, so I just climbed down, once I reached the bottom I see no one except Mikey and Donnie already walking. "Why did they leave us?" I ask confused, Donnie just says "I stayed back to close the lid." Mikey smiles and says "I wanted to get to know ya dudette!" I smile too and say "okay, then ask what you wanna know." Donnie climbed up and closed the lid, so Mikey and I started talking "well, do ya like pizza?!" Was his first question.

I nod my head fast "who doesn't?!" He nods his head too "I know right!! What about video games??" He asks with a sparkle in his eyes somehow. I laugh a little saying "depends on what it is, sometimes I just read a book when I'm bored, it calms me down."

-with the other three, brought to you by Donnie being jealous from Louisa and Mikey bonding-

Sam's p.o.v

I start walking with Leo and Raph, we basically just ditched the other three "so who's the dork you were with?" Raph asks me, Leo rolled his eyes at that. "She's my cousin, if you think she's a dork now, just wait til you get to know her" I say and laugh. Leo looks at me raising an eyebrow "you don't care that you just called her a dork?" I shake my head. "She already knows she's a dork, that's a reason why I still call her that, she doesn't care. It's like it fuels her when someone calls her that" Leo nods his head "that's kinda what Donnie does."

"So, you all brothers or somethin?" I ask as we reach the lair "yeah, I'm the oldest and the leader of our team" Leo answers with a proud smile. Raph rolls his eyes at Leo saying "well I'm the cool one" Leo glares at Raph as he smirks at me. I laugh a little "I can see that, but Leo looks like he's more level headed than you" it's fun watching them fight. Leo nods and says "yeah, I make tough decisions that Raph never could" they start to argue. I smile and say "okay, okay, just stop arguin before I get a headache and start punching the both of ya."

They stopped, but Leo asked if they could get to know me a little more, I agree, and we start talking about some random stuff that comes into our heads.


Okay that should be it my foodies, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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