Chapter 18: Insecure

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to leave. Call me when you are ready to go back home. I still have a lot to pack" kissing her forehead, he closed the passenger door that was still open and went over to the driver's side. Reversing his car, he turned sharply, glad that there wasn't much traffic. It was almost midday which meant too early for lunch and definitely very early for a drink. But he needed it before he lost his mind.

How could she think like that? Married her because he wanted to be a hero? She had the ability to leave him speechless and today it wasn't in a good way. All those years they'd spent together then apart then together. Did she think he kept going back to her because he needed to feel like a hero? What happened to the love he thought they shared? Max didn't think he could talk to her without going off on her so he left.

"Hey bud, she kick your ass out so soon? Damn, I thought for sure you guys would last longer this time" Preston said sliding into the chair opposite him. If he was going to day drink, he needed someone to keep him company.

"What do you do when Thea feels insecure?" he asked instead. Snorting, Preston called a waitress over and ordered a beer.

"The only time that woman feels insecure is when we talk about money. Why? What did you do to make Emilia feel that way?"

Max shrugged and said one word "Lisandra" which made his friend stare at him wide eyed.

"Did you meet someone new with that name? Because if you tell me you guys are fighting over someone who's behind bars, I'll knock off your teeth"

"Why me? I didn't do shit. Emilia insisted on going to see her and next thing I know we're fighting" at his raised eyebrow, Max filled him in on the events that had taken place the day before. When he was done, Preston shocked him with his reply

"She's right. It is your fault"

"Excuse me?"

"You know I was there when you brought her home. You also know that I had fallen in love with her too...."

"Yeah, not the time to remind me about that" Max cut him off gripping his glass harder.

"Anyway, I saw the way your actions affected her. Every time Lisandra would do something that would take you away from her side. I saw her disappointment whenever you left and I tried to reassure her that she shouldn't be worried because she was your wife but that wasn't something she wanted to hear from me"

Max looked at him incredulously, chewing on his lip while his mind tried to comprehend what Preston was saying. Had he really been that blind? He'd thought he was being a good brother. Whenever Lisandra called, he went to her because she was always with Gwen. Was he supposed to leave his little sister out there all alone? Then something hit him and he glanced up

"If you saw it, why didn't you tell me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I was waiting for you to screw things up so I could swoop in and be the hero" he said it so casually that Max dug his nails into his palm to avoid punching him.

"This is the same friend and confidant talking. Right?"

"Hey, that was a long time ago. We were also fresh out of college and I really envied you for finding your soulmate so soon. Of course I wanted to have what you had. I'm human you know"

Narrowing his eyes, he asked "And you're telling me this now because?"

"You need to keep Lisandra away from your marriage. If you want it to work, forget about that bitch completely and live your life with Em"

"I'm trying. But I can't do that when she keeps finding ways to get back into our lives. Why the fuck did she send her aunt to Emilia's house?"

"Go ahead and fire all of them. Give them a severance package, ask them to leave then forget about that bitch before your wife leaves you for good this time"

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