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There's a huge storm coming," Captain Barnacles announced as soon as everyone was gathered in the HQ. Dashi's cousins were behind her, Koshi was on one side and Shellington on the other. Opposite her was Tweak, who was pretending Dashi wasn't there. There was a cold, indifferent look in Tweak's green eyes which Dashi hated so much it was an effort to stop herself retaliating.

"We need to secure the Octopod and prepare to move it if needed," Captain Barnacles commanded. "Dashi, check what type of storm is coming and the severity of it."

Dashi sat down at her usual place at the computers, pausing briefly to smile back at the encouraging looks her relatives gave her. She pulled up the storm tracker and tapped on the buttons a few times.

"Looks like a hurricane, Captain," she said. "Strong currents as well. It doesn't look like we'll take a direct hit, but we should prepare to move just in case."

Shellington smiled at her warmly, and she blushed, her heart fluttering. Tweak glanced at Shellington, then at her, then back to Shellington, then at her again. The bunny's eyes widened slightly, but she said nothing.

"Everyone, go and lock away anything that could get damaged in the storm," the captain instructed. "Koshi and Cousins Various..."

"Excuse me?" Delilah said, folding her arms. "We have names."

"Yeah, but it's hard remembering them all, especially when you all look creepily like Dashi," Kwazii retorted.

"...as I was saying," Captain Barnacles said with a reprimanding look at Kwazii. "Can you do Dashi's room for her? She and I need to have a little chat. Octonauts, let's do this!"

Dashi frowned as everyone dispersed. Shellington gave her another warm smile as he dropped down the OctoChute.

"Dashi," Captain Barnacles said as soon as everyone had gone. "I know you're usually the one piloting the Octopod out of storms, but..."

Dashi's heart sank. She knew what was coming.

"I can do this," she said determinedly. "I'm getting stronger, Captain. I'm sure I can do this."

"I just don't want you to be under too much pressure," Captain Barnacles said, resting a friendly paw on Dashi's shoulder. "And I know something happened between you and Tweak earlier that really got you down..."

"How do you know that?" Dashi asked, startled.

"Well, for starters, your voices echoed across the whole Octopod," he replied with a wry smile. "And your cousins had a quick word with me."

"Of course they did." Dashi's heart warmed towards her cousins. "Captain, I assure you, I'll be fine. I've steered the Octopod out of many storms before. This one won't be any different."

"Yes, but..."

He sighed when Dashi refused to back down. "OK then. But can Koshi and Cousins Various..."

"Danielle, Daphne, Dottie, Delilah, DeLana and Donna," Dashi cut in, grinning.

"...I'm never going to remember that," Captain Barnacles said. "So can they stay with you in the HQ? Just in case..."

"Of course!" Dashi agreed brightly.

Her smile faded pretty quickly when the OctoHatch opened and none other than Tweak climbed out, brushing her jeans and straightening her jumper. "Everything's ready in the Launch Bay, Cap."

"Good work, Tweak," Captain Barnacles said. Tweak's eyes drifted over to Dashi, and her expression hardened immediately. Dashi pretended to be checking the storm tracker; this meant she could turn round on her chair and not have to look at Tweak. She only turned around again when she heard receding footsteps.

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