Chapter One - Intruder

Start from the beginning

"What the hell?!" North boomed as the small person bolted out of the room. 

"Don't let her outside!" Axel demands as we rush after the small person. 

"She is a quick one." I said hardly able to contain my chuckle as we ran into the living room. She stood by the couch looking like a scared cat trying to escape a pack of dogs. Axel tried to grab her but she back flipped over his head landing gracefully on the coffee table. North followed Axel's suit and tried to grab her from the coffee table but she slipped out of his arms before he could even get close. 

I was so impressed with her ninja skills I didn't even move but I was blocking the only exit. Her Big bright green eyes met mine. All I could see was fear as she jumped for the rafter beam before hiding in the shadows of the renovated farmhouse. 

"Well at least she won't get out now." I snicker. "Did you see her moves?" 

"Where is Raven?" Axel demanded while trying to see the girl in the shadows. 

"Hey! Get down from there before you get yourself hurt!" North yelled trying to get up to her before turning to me. "Luke, get her down."

"Honestly, it would do more harm than..." I was cut off by the front door slamming open. Raven led the way as the rest of the team followed in behind him. Everyone must have rushed home. 

"Where is she?" Raven yelled before whispering in Russian to himself. I pointed up. All eyes went up to the rafters.

"Oy! what the fuck is she doing up there?" Gabriel yelled. I went to go tell them of her super ninja skills but before I could Raven hushed everyone. 

"You'll scare her more." Raven said before going below her. He spoke softly to her in Russian while we all exchanged looks. "Come, kitten, come down. We will go to room. Rest more. Da?" he paused waiting for her to move. "They won't hurt you." he waited more before speaking in Russian again. 

"Did you just say you'll spank her?" Corey asked. 


"Raven you can't spank her." Axel said crossing his arm on his chest. 

"Can and would." Raven says. "Down now kitten. I got super prize." 

"Don't you mean a surprise?" Corey asked. 

"Same." Raven said not looking down from the ceiling. 

"No, no it's not." Corey said shaking his head. Raven reached into back pocket and pulled out a candy bar. Holding it up to show her. 

"Gosh not another candy freak." North huffed.

No one moved as the small ball started to move. Gracefully she flipped down and snatched the candy bar before slipping back up the stairs. 

"Leave her." Raven said. "She'll go back to the closet. It makes her feel safe." 

"Report." Axel said as Mr. Blackburn took his position his position beside him. 

"Remember the bird Raven has been trying to find for years. The one with no records?" Corey said while everyone took a seat. 

"Yes, is that her?" Axel asked. 

"Da. Last week I got a call from a team who had broken up a small circus. They found her caged and beaten. Forced to perform after her parents sold her." Raven ranted on in Russian. 

"Mr. Ravenstahl, please calm down and explain to the team why you've been hiding a girl in your room." Mr. Blackburn said. 

"Is she here against her will?" Dr. Sean asked.

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