I dont like him

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"I mean I think the definition of a lethal drug is one that kills people and that's what yours seems to be doing."

"It isn't supposed to kill people."

"Why were you using me to move it?" Newt asked as he sat down on the floor and crossed his legs.

"It wasn't just you, it was anyone who was stupid enough to buy into the deal."

Newt clasped his hand over his heart. "You think I'm stupid?"


"So if the point of the drug isn't to kill, then what is it?"

The man looked off with a faraway expression. "To enhance."


When Thomas got to the apartment after school, he carefully closed the window behind him. He let out a breath and turned to the kitchen. He froze when he saw someone sitting at the table.

"I-uh-sorry-" Thomas stammered as he took a careful step back.

The girl turned around and Thomas immediately relaxed. It was the landlord he'd met a few days back.

"It's okay Newt told me you'd probably be around."

Thomas cocked his head slightly. "Newt?"

The girl's eyes widened almost comically. "Fuck. Please forget I said that."

Thomas was glad she couldn't see the dopey smile he had on under his mask. "His name's Newt?"

"No?" She let out a frustrated breath. "Please don't tell him I did that."

"It's okay, it's our little secret."

"Hey Eran who-" a girl stopped as she came out of the bathroom. She was pretty, she had short blonde hair that was tied messily behind her head. She had on thick glasses and a shirt that was way too big for her. "I'm sorry is that Spiderman?"

Eran looked awkwardly between the two of them. "Spiderman, meet Alex, my girlfriend. Alex meet, Spiderman, uh half spider half man."

"Is this just like a normal thing around here?" Alex asked as she sat down at the table next to Eran. "Super Heroes just popping in?"

"No, just ones that my annoying tennant is in love with."

"Wait that's the one you were telling me about?"

"Wait wait," Thomas looked between the two girls, a confused expression concealed by his mask. "I thought Minho was obsessed with you...you're gay?"

Eran nodded. "And Minho's not obsessed with me."

Alex shook her head. "I keep telling her she's likable, she refuses to believe it."

"That's because it's not true!"

Alex rolled her eyes. "You can be so dumb sometimes."

"Anyways," Eran snapped. "We're putting in a new security system."

"Why?" Thomas asked as he hesitantly sat in the chair across from them.

"I did a little more research into the situation my wonderful tennants got themselves into and decided I don't want my apartment getting decorated with bullet holes, so we're taking precautions."

"So...it'll be safer here?"

Eran looked at him with a soft smile. "You'll be safe here even without Newt's annoying ass to protect you."

"You can thank me for that," Alex said as she got up and started searching through the cabinets.

"Yeah, you're smart we get it."

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