Thelma could remember vividly when he got the news that Cherry's recent boyfriend broke up with her. He was so happy. She couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't blame him. Apart from Cherry's sharp mouth, she had a voluptuous figure with a plump lip that no one could overlook. She could easily attract a man. She had replaced Vivian as the COB after the incident in the past with Anthony Russo. Ever since Cherry walked into the company's building, Evans had been crushing hard.

Thelma shook her head at the thoughts and got to the office. She placed the file on Alex's table which drew his attention from his laptop.

"What took you so long?" his gravely voice echoed.

Sincerely, I was talking with some staffs about your flaw! Who am I kidding? I can't say this to his face.


Pain! That was what Theresa felt at the moment. Her wrist ached due to the strong rope that tied them together. Unable to move her body, she used her mouth to haul words at them.

"Calm down. Let's talk," Don's husky voice whispered to her.

She sat still and rolled her eyes. "Why this fool?" she wondered.

"You remember the plan, right?"

"What plan?"

"Well, you ran away from me and now you are to pay with your life," he grinned and pulled a gun out. He wiggled it and arched a brow as he tilted his head to a side. He winked and placed the cold metal right at her forehead.

"Any last words?"

"Go to hell!" she sang in a sweet singsong voice which caused Don to shoot her a deadly glare.

"Nice! I see you are challenging me," a devilish smirk tugged on his lips. "I like that part of you". He rose his other hand and ran his finger down her face, from her forehead to her lips.

He leaned and whispered with a soft voice, "Wildcat, you're messing with the devil".

Theresa narrowed her eyes at him. She tried struggling her way out of the tight ropes but failed.

"What's the matter, My wildcat?" he smirked.

"Don't even dare call me that again!" Theresa snapped.

Don sat upright. "I am enjoying this".

"You fool, get me out of this rope"

"Oh! That's not a problem!"

Her jaw dropped as she watched him loose the ropes.

I didn't expect it to be this easy. What's his plan? He is dangerous and my mouth is uncontrollable. Geez! I need to get out of here.

"All done!" He said and pulled Theresa to her feet.

She stretched her body a little. Her eyes were trained on the door. She had targeted the distance from the door and was ready to run.

In a blink of an eye, she was racing to the door. She got to the doorknob and turned it. To her dismay, it was locked.

"Aargh! Open the door," she yelled and began hitting it.

"Hopeless, right?" A hot breath settled on her bare neck. Her body tensed and before she could turn, his hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her to his broad chest.

"Give up! You are three countries away from where you live," he chuckled.

"You... Gosh! Damn it! What do you what?"

"To seek revenge! Your dead body! I'm heartless you know"

A cold swirl went up her spine and rendered her motionless.

Dead? I knew it. I made an irrational decision. I just had to run like some coward. I'm the fool here. Why did I even go to that stupid party?

"Hey!" he snarled, pulling her out of her thought. He planted a kiss at the crook of her neck.

"But I will change my mind if you become mine!" his husky voice purred.

"In your dreams, lover boy" she said with her usual sass.

"Why can't I have you?"

"I'm priceless! "

"I've got the cash!"

Theresa frowned. "What an insult! Do I look like something you can get with money? Doesn't you know the meaning of priceless?"

Enraged, she added more effort and struggled free from his grip on her waist. He freed her which was unexpected. Before she could run away, he gripped her hand and pulled her to him. She spun and her face smashed her his broad, muscular chest. And once again, he caged her. He had his hands on her waist.

"Let go of me"

His eyes dilated and raked up and down her figure. He cupped her chin and was aiming a kiss on her lips when a loud knock echoed on the door.

"Sir!" a voice called out.

Don frowned. He mumbled offensive words and abruptly pulled his gun which he hid close to his hip. He opened the door and shot the young man. Theresa screamed at the loud sound it created.

"Sorry sir. We are under attack" the young man whispered and held his forearm. It gushed blood and he weakly leaned on the wall.

"Oh!" Don voiced and his eyes met Theresa's. He wore a stern look– hard as a rock, but traces of fear could be seen. He took heavy, deep breathe and grasped Theresa's hand.

"I have to get you out of here"

"What is happening?"

"Bloodshed" he stamped.

     ~~~Author's note~~~

Hope you enjoyed it? ❤❤❤😊💖💋 I really love you guys. My book has 1000+ reads and it's with your help. Thanks a lot. Don't hesitate to vote and comment.

Also pls share my book to any of your friends that might be interested. Love y'all.


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