~~~ Chapter Two ~~~

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Aelin Pov:

No no no. This could not be happening. A year after the war and I was already being called back to battle. But I had to do this. I knew the voiced that had called to me in my sleep. I voice I had promised never to let down.

"Aelin!" Rowan yelled interrupting my thoughts. But I kept moving, running down the steps to the dungeon. I double-checked my weapons. Goldryn and daggers strapped to my waste, daggers in my boots, lethal pins in my hair, and more weapons under my clothing.

"Aelin, come back here right now!" Rowan roared. I could hear him rushing down the stairs after me, but not nearly close enough to stop me. Good. I was not dragging him, or anyone else I cared about into another war.

I hit the bottom step and sprinted to the large back wall. In seconds I took a dagger from my waist and sliced my palm open. I dipped my finger into the red blood that welled up and started tracing the wyrdmarks from the portal in my dream. I only had a flicker of flame in me after the Wyrdgate, but it was enough to create a portal.

"Aelin!" Rowan was closer now. I hurried up tracing the marks lightning fast. "Aelin!" he was seconds away now. I was finishing up the last mark as Rowan ran into the dungeon. My finger slipped as I turned around. The marks glowed green and the portal revealed a doorway into darkness.

"Rowan I-" he ran into me and pinned me to the ground, his body pressed on top of mine. I struggled, trying to get his hands off my wrist to move my own.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" Rowan snarled canines on full display. 

"I'm trying to save people without dragging you into this mess." I snarled back at him.

Rowan closed his eyes and lowered his head. After seconds of silence, he spoke softly, "We're in this together Fireheart, to whatever end."

My eyes welled with tears, "The war just ended Rowan, I can't put you into another one."

"Together Fireheart, together." Rowan let go of my wrists and pulled me into a hug. Silent tears streamed down my face as I held him tightly. We stayed there for a few minutes just holding each other preparing for whatever was going to come.

Rowan let go first and stood up. He outstretched a hand and I grabbed it, pulling myself up too.  Rowan looked at the dark portal in front of us, "Where to Fireheart?"

I didn't have an answer so I didn't give one. "Come on Buzzard," I said. We walked through the portal, hand in hand.

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