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What do you say to someone you put so much faith in only for it to all come crashing back down?

Some people would say turn to violence and others a civil conversation and i guess no one knows the right thing to do because we all handle things differently.

I carried the final box placing it in the back of the car,

I decided the best way to handle it was to just....not.

Hours turned to days and days into weeks,

weeks soon turned into two months.

I had went from seeing someone i had grown so attached to everyday to not seeing them at all.

The numbness comes and goes and i often find myself almost asking what he's doing or where he is but i always catch myself before hand.

Hayden walked out with his bags in hand

"so this is goodbye again i guess" i mumbled looking down

"not goodbye just a i'll see you soon" he said setting his bags in the back and standing straight infront of me,

his hands fell on my shoulders and he took a deep breath as i did the same

"its gonna be so weird without you here and it just being me and mom"

My dad had moved out a few week ago and now it was just my mom and i, we barely see eachother as she still works loads and i try my best to avoid her, i know shes hurting.

Hayden nods in agreement pulling me into a hug

"have you urm talked to him? asher" he mumbles nervously my head muffling his words more, is tense in his embrace

"no" i reply my words equally as muffled as his, he pulls me away hands on my arms rubbing up and down

"i still think you should try fix what you guys had ;because that was real no matter how many times you tell yourself he didn't love you or you don't love him it'll never be true, and if not to fix it to at least get closure for you and him"

his words shock me and hit different

"he loves you annie he always has and always will, i know he hurt you and i do hate him for that  but he made a mistake, i did too and you found away to forgive me...in no way am i justifying his actions but this is your first real love don't loose it without ending it properly"

"i loved you" i speak quietly

"yeah i know you did but it's not the same way you love him, you and i both know that its different"

tears pool in my eyes and i know he is right, i need to talk to him

"thank you" i engulf him in a final hug and see him into the car, wiping the few tears spilling down my cheeks as he drives off.

I turn on my heel and head inside to get ready, to go see asher.

{ooop should i make this into a two part series or just a longer book than i usually do?}

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