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I sat at the table picking at my food.

Asher sat beside me occasionally glancing my direction trying to get my attention,

Mom had invited him in for dinner when she had seen him with me on the porch.

My mom and dad actually getting along but i knew it was fake they were just trying to impress


Hayden sat opposite me making small conversation with asher every now and then but getting shot right back down with a fiery remark

"Annie tell hayden how amazing your dance is going" my mom says cheerfully

I drop my fork the sound of it hitting the plate filling the room.

I lifted my head my eyes narrowing

"I don't even take fuc-"

Asher grabs my hand under the table smiling widely

"She doesn't do dance anymore its music now and shes amazing" he cuts me of gently rubbing my hand to calm me down

"Oh...well annie why dont you tell him about your music" my mom says quickly bouncing back from her slip up

"Its alright" i mumble picking my fork back up and playing with my food

Asher hand still holding mine

"How's things been since....everything?" Hayden asks and it takes all of me not to throw this fork in his face

My mom breaks character her eyes widening in panic at the subject she had avoided ever since it happened

"Things are well, we miss him but we know he is still with us looking down" my dad takes my moms hand on the table and they both smile at hayden

"Is that so?" I say my tone laced with hatred "because just a few nights ago you were saying how you wished he was never here in the first place or that i was never here" i spit out shocking everyone

My mom drops her knife and fork looking at me with wide eyes warning me, My dad gulps down his fifth glass of wine, asher squeezes my hand gently tugging trying to get me to leave and hayden frowns.

"Everything is so well that on my birthday you both ignore me and every day you work and you" i turn my attention to my so called father dropping asher's hand,

he doesn't even deserve to be called that He's no father.

"You get so pissed drunk you don't even realize what day it is OH and what about that one time, you know when you two were arguing again and you" i pointed to my father "pushed me and then" i pointed to my mother "you proceeded to kick me all because I mentioned his name! Haha so yeah i guess you could say they're handling calebs death great!" I snap out laughing at how insanely ridiculous this was.

My fathers nostrils flared with anger and my mother clenched her fist

"Julianna grace leblanc" my father spat

I pushed up from my seat leaning forward so i was face to face with him.

"What are you gonna do hit me? Infront of hayden? Because i think you don't want him to see that for some reason" i provoke him in a low and intimidating voice

"Shortcake come on lets go you can stay with me" asher says standing up i turn to him his eyes pleading for me to just take his hand he was now offering and leave this situation

I shook the guilt away turning back to face my father

"Tell me dad whats so important about him that you would not go to the bar for?" I hiss and he almost growls in anger "huh?" I add

"We need the money" my mom speaks up I turn to her looking shocked "the summeralls are paying a lot of money to let him stay here with us so stop making up these bizarre lies and sit back down julianna"

"Lies? You've got to be fucking joking" i roll my eyes standing straight and turning to hayden "look hayden I don't like you at all but im telling you right now for your own sake they aren't what you think, they're abusive manipulative liars and you don't wanna be staying in the same household as them"

"Now if you'd excuse me im leaving" i say calmly turning to asher and taking his hand in mine.

We walk to the door i stop and i turn back

"Oh and mom? I know you don't work at the hospital i know your real job" i snap spinning on my heel to leave

"Dont come back" my mom announces

I chuckle and look back to see my mom right behind me


{annies a bAD BiTch 😘 lmao}

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