"She keeps trying to mimic you, it's weird sometimes," Asui says lightly poking Uraraka.

"I don't think so, trying to copy someone you want to be like I think is a compliment. Just look at me and my favorite hero Crimson Riot!" Kirishima states.

"I honestly don't care, if Uraraka says it helps then whatever. More importantly, tell me about Overhaul and Deku!" Bakugo says getting antsy.

"Ah right, Deku wasn't really a topic that came up during our meeting we just discussed Overhaul and his daughter Eri," Kirishima said.

"Something involving the quirk erasing bullets right, I'm not sure how one gets bullets like that."

The student's faces look grim as the topic is brought up.

"Overhaul's quirk allows him to disassemble and reassemble anything. So he's using his daughter as the source for the bullets."

"That's disgusting," Bakugo was shocked to find out about the quirk. If Deku knows about this then why wouldn't he act sooner? Even he must feel disgusted by this.

"Hey Bakugo, do you know what the meeting is about tomorrow?" Kirishima asked.

"Deku sent out a note saying Eri will be killed if we don't act," Bakugo replied.

"I guess even villains have a conscience," Kirishima said.

"Don't be naive, the Villains League being involved means the situation is even worse. You guys should stop speculating and head to bed, you have an early day tomorrow."

The four of them head to their own beds with Bakugo looking up at his ceiling, his eyes refused to close as he had a lot on his mind. Every time he heard about Deku the stories would be so different than the Midoriya he once knew, Bakugo was beginning to wonder what he would do if the Midoriya he knew disappeared completely. 

The next day Aizawa got the four students together as they met up with Togata and begun heading towards the meeting. Everyone was mostly silent since they had their own thoughts about what this meeting would entail and a deeper look into the note Deku had sent.

As they arrived they headed to another floor that had a huge table inside with pro-heroes already there. Bakugo plopped down onto a seat as everyone starred at the new face causeing Bakugo to glare back.

"What you assholes looking at huh!" As Bakugo shot off atthem the major and minor pro heroes continued to stare at Bakugo.

"Bakugo nows not the time, we have important things to discuss," Nighteye who is at the head of the table turns to the group. "In front of you is a copy of the note Deku had sent us and I've also written a breakdown of what the note really means."

"To start with the note 'Nighteye agency, the girl who is responsible for the quirk bullets will die in three days.' Means Deku suspected we were investigating after accidentally making contact with Togata but he doesn't know how far our investigation into Chisaki is. To make sure we knew the severity of the situation he told us about the girl Eri being the source of the anti quirk bullets."

"'Her usefulness to Overhaul has reached its limit and he plans to destroy her along with all the evidence.' This part is simple enough explaining the time limit of three days mentioned earlier. I don't believe Overhaul is planning to kill his daughter so the three days could have a second meaning."

"Lastly 'They are at the main Yakuza compound hidden by a secret entrance and through a labyrinth. Signed Deku.' This is likely directed at me since my quirk is the only one here unknown to him. I had called an investigator to tell me the things Deku had in his room. He told me about a group of notebooks called Hero Analysis for the future. Thirteen notebooks with forty pages front and back, making a total of five-hundred and twenty pages for about a thousand different heroes. He is using that vast array of information to try and figure out my quirk. He is guessing my quirk is some sort of analysis quirk. Normally since he is wrong we would have the element of surprise, however, my Foresight quirk can only be used once a day and I will have to use it to discover the hidden passage."

"And he's memorized each one," Bakugo blurts out. The heroes begin to look at each other surprised by the information Deku possesses

"Is it necessary to go that far? It looks like Deku is wanting us to save this girl," A woman said, she had chin-length blonde hair, which she wears swept back with a headband, a long metallic claw attached to her headband and covering one of her eyes. 

"Miss Tatsuma if he immediately surrenders himself then there won't be any issues, however, we must be prepared for anything," Nighteye answers.

"What made you suddenly take Deku seriously? You dismissed him during our last meeting," Aizawa asked. 

"This note is the reason, with a single piece of paper he already derailed our plans. Chisaki, Eri, And Deku, we have to secure these three people. The attack on the villain Overhaul will take place tomorrow so be prepared everyone."

Over at the Hassaikai hideout, Deku was talking with Toga and Twice. "Tomorrow is the day," His mouth was making a half-smile on his face. Deku had a small notebook in his hand as he was writing down all the Quirks of Overhaul's group before putting the small book inside his back pocket. 

"I'm ready - I thought you wrote three days on the note, tomorrow is only the second day," Twice says.

"If they arrived on the third day they might arrive only to see a bloody mess. I doubt they would forget this simple fact so there sure to come on the second day," Deku explains.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself Deku," Toga points out.

"I can't deny I've enjoyed seeing people dance in the palm of my hand." 

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