Chapter 4: Trials Of Marmora

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"What the quiznak?" Keith snickered as he listened to Yessek curse. Regris was hiding one hall over, ready and waiting for the signal. Keith stayed low, trying to remain as quiet as possible as he waited for the perfect moment to strike. "I know he's here, I just – where the quiznak did he go?"

"Dunno, maybe he left for the training deck? Or went back to his room?"

"Don't be stupid Zav. He's banned from the training deck for the rest of this movement and he's too much of a nuisance to just go back to his room." More boxes were shoved to the side, a few chucks of unrefined luxite clambering to the floor. "If I get my claws on either of those brats they're gunna be sorry!"

"Hahaha good luck! Regris is stronger than you and Keith is way too fast to catch. I'd pay 100 GAC to see you try."

"You're not helping!" Yessek growled angrily. More boxes flew across the room, one landing dangerously close to where Keith was hiding.

"Oh, I'm not trying to."

"Stop snickering! You sound like that pain-in-the-ass kit." Keith bit back his grin at the comparison, taking great pride in his blossoming reputation. If he'd been paying better attention he would have heard the door open. If he'd heard the door open he would have heard the boots enter. And if he'd heard the boots enter he wouldn't have been caught off guard by the familiar voice that commanded the attention of the two Blades.

"Yessek. Zavin. What are you doing in the weapons vault? You do not have clearance to be in here unattended. Explain your actions immediately!"

"Stars! Krolia! I – I was just looking for – uh, someone. But I cant find him and – and I think he's hiding in here and -"

"Who would hide in the weapons vault? You know what – never mind. When you find Keith tell him I need to speak with him." He watched her turn heel and head for the exit before pausing. "Out, now! And do NOT let me catch you in here again or the consequences will be severe." Yessek withered under her scrutiny. Keith knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of her tongue-lashings, as her kit he got them all the time. "This must be brought to Kolivan's attention. If you are knowingly entering areas beyond your clearance -"

"I'm sorry! I didn't notice it was the vaults when we rushed in." he interrupted her. Dumbass. Keith thought, never ever interrupt Krolia, very bad decision.

"You didn't notice? How can you not notice where you are? There are four levels of security to access this section of the base. I can't imagine what details you must over look on missions." She stared them both down, harsh gaze unwavering. "OUT. Out now!" He watched the two Blades scurry out of the weapons vault, proverbial tails between their legs. Suddenly Keith felt terrible, this was supposed to be a harmless prank, Yessek wasn't meant to get in any real trouble. Swallowing his pride he let his guilt get the better of him and stepped from his hiding place.

"Yessek was just following me. I led them here." His voice sounded smaller than he'd intended, but his mother's glare had a way of doing that too him. The moment the words left his mouth, the young Blade whirled around, eyes blowing wide in shock.

"I KNEW IT! I knew you were in here!!" Yessek threw his arms in the air as he yelled his accusations. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Holy shit! I didn't even notice where you were hiding. Damn Keith, well done."

"DON'T COMMEND HIM!! Zav, what the quiznak!" Yessek screeched.

Zavin merely shrugged. "What? Praise where praise is due." Keith felt himself grin.

"Keith." His grin immediately faded at his mother's tone. "Where is Regris?" He cringed under her scrutiny. "Keith." She didn't raise her voice, she didn't spit her words, she merely spoke with the kind of authority that is earned through years of stern command. The authority of a mother scolding their troublesome kit. He was so busted. "Keith, tell me now."

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