Chapter 2

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Jonesy and Drift are waiting at the restaurant for the guests. Jonesy is sitting at a table flicking a fork while Drift is obviously jittery and Jonesy still can't figure out why he's freaking out so bad. Master Key, Luxe, and Catalyst enter the restaurant and Drift goes to hug Master Key."Hi Key, it's so nice to finally see you again. Where's dad at?", Drift ask him looking at the window to make sure he's atleast in the parking lot."Oh I'm sorry Drift, he was busy with work he couldn't make it", Key apologizes knowing Drift would be disappointed. "Oh that's ok I kinda figured he woulda' been busy. But at least you all could make it".Drift says before getting a really tight hug from Cat,"anything for you little bro".Drift rolls his eyes at her,"So I got downgraded to 'little bro now' I see", Drift says before laughing. Jonesy gets up to say hi to everyone."Hey y'all thank you all so much for coming here at last minute, I thought I could surprise Drift so we can all get aquanted better. Cat already knows this but I'm Drift's boyfriend, Jonesy", Jonesy says before getting a hug from Luxe."Nice to meet you Jonesy, I've been wanting to meet you too it's so nice Drift found someone as nice as you", Luxe says happily."Drift told us so much about you it's great we can finally meet in person right honey"?Luxe says to Key before she notices how he's glaring at Jonesy. Jonesy reaches his hand out for a handshake from Key before getting a very tight handshake from the young man still staring daggers at him.Drift notices already how angry his brother looks and tries to diffuse the tension,"Hey I'll tell you what I can order for us and we can all just have a nice chat in the meantime how does that sound", Drift says looking at Jonesy nervously."Uh yeah babe that sounds good, Key we can go sit over at that booth and get to know eachother", Jonesy says getting nothing more than a slight head nod from Master Key. 

They both sit down at the booth near the window while Drift and the girls go to order some food. Master Key is staring down Jonesy causing him to nervously try to start up small talk "So um I can't believe this is our first time meeting, I've been meaning to do this sooner but Drift and I have just been a little busy with some matches that's all." Master Key just continues giving Jonesy a hard glare meanwhile Drift and the girls are talking it up in the line."So how long have you had a man Drift", Luxe asks him."Oh we've been dating for two months now, he's a dream come true honestly. He's everything I ever wanted in a boyfriend honestly", Drift says to Luxe's delight. Luxe breathes a heavy sigh of relief,"You don't know how glad I am to hear that Drift. I'm so happy you found someone that treats you well. Doesn't look bad either, you really are lucky"."I was there when Jonesy confessed his love to Drift. It was as oooey gooey as you can imagine" ,Cat giggles. Drift jokingly rolls his eyes at Cat."Well what about you Cat, how have you been adjusting to the island",Drift asks."Pretty good actually. Your brother and Luxe have made this really easy for me too. Thank you so much for introducing me to them, they let me live with them 'til I can get on my feet", Cat says."Yeah I was gonna say, thank you Luxe for letting Cat stay with y'all, how is it? Is it like a full house for y'all", Drift asks before getting a light chuckle from Luxe and Cat."Oh yeah but I'm sure not as much as your squad haha. Cat's awesome tho it's nice having her around. Hell, she even does errands with us and stuff so that's a plus", Luxe answers."That's a funny way to phrase 'unpaid labor'", Cat jokes.

Jonesy is eating in silence while Master Key isn't touching his food."What makes you think you are good enough to date my brother", Master Key finally says causing Jonesy to choke on his food from shock."Ex-cuse me?" Jonesy says between coughs."I'm sorry I don't know what you mean by that I-" Jonesy is interrupted by Masterkey."You know damn well what I mean. My brother has been hurt enough thanks to that piece of a shit excuse of a boyfriend Raptor and I'm gonna be damned if I'm just gonna let you just come along. Why the hell should I trust you to date my brother I don't even know you."Master Key says with some hostility in his voice."Master Key I would never hurt your brother I love him. I've done everything I can to make sure he is safe and comfortable", Jonesy explains just getting an eye roll from Master Key. "How am I supposed to believe yo-"Master Key is cut off by a booming voice coming into the restaurant. 

The two men see it's Banshee in her NFL skin coming in the restaurant."JONESY how have you been buddy", Banshee says holding out her arms for a hug. Jonesy is so relieved she showed up and gets up to hug her."H-hey Banshee it's been too long.",Jonesy says."Yeah well we all have squads to take care of so it's understandable it would be haha", She says before noticing all the people at the restaurant."What's going on here?" She asks."Oh this is a small get together for my boyfriend", Jonesy answers shocking Banshee."BOYFRIEND?! You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend you. Where is he I wanna see him." She says excitedly. Jonesy goes to Drift's table where he's sitting with the girls."Baby wanna meet my friend Banshee, she wants to see you", Jonesy asks leading Drift by the hand to her. Drift is about to say hi before getting a tight hug from Banshee,"Jonesy he is so cute, why are you so good at finding the cute ones? What's your name cutie", Banshee ask causing Drift to blush in confusion."I-I'm Drift it's very nice to meet you Banshee. Nice skin haha." Drift says."Thanks it just sucks I don't like sports that much", Banshee admits. "Banshee do you wanna meet my sister and my brother's girlfriend Luxe", He asks her."Hell yeah I wanna meet them, seeya Jonesy I can see you're chatting it up with your friend", Banshee says before sitting at Drift's table. 

Jonesy reluctantly sits back at Master Key's table. Master Key doesn't waste any time continuing the conversation."My brother is not some little purse dog for you to show off buddy so I wanna make it clear that if I ever see yo-", Master Key says before he sees Drift coming towards their table."Hey bro what do you need buddy", Master Key says changing his tone to Jonesy confusion. Master Key gives him a quick glare to let him know he needs to fake it too. "How are you two doing over here?" Drift asks before sitting next to Jonesy and laying against him."Uh-um we're doing great. You're brother is an awesome dude", Jonesy says with a nervous tone in his voice.Drift excitedly hugs onto Jonesy,"I'm so happy the most important men in my world are getting along." Drift says happily, making Jonesy feel guilty about lying to him."Anything for you baby heh", Jonesy laughs off nervously. Drift kisses Jonesy on the cheek and gets up "Well it's almost time everyone needs to go home. Bye Key I'm so happy you came just for me" Drift says hugging Key. Master Key hugs him tight and kisses him on the forehead."not a problem at all lil' bro, go say bye to Luxe and the other girls before you go", Key tells Drift, making sure Drift is far away enough for him to talk again. 

Jonesy gets up from the table and is about to follow Drift when Key grabs him by the arm."I hope you know that I do not like you, one bit", Master Key warns Jonesy before letting go of him. Jonesy just awkwardly walks away from him and puts his arm around Drift while he's still saying bye."Come on Jonesy lets go home", Drift says before they leave the restuarant. Drift and Jonesy are walking home and Drift is excitedly talking about how good of a time he had with the girls." I love your friend Banshee Jonesy she's really cool. Cat is doing good on the island and I'm so happy Key has a girlfriend as wonderful as Luxe. I do miss her sometimes, I'm so thankful you organized this get together Jonesy."Drift says before kissing Jonesy on the cheek, oblivious to the fact that Jonesy has been spaced out thinking about something else."Oh uh I'm glad you had a good time baby, I love seeing you happy", Jonesy responds honestly. They continue to walk home and Jonesy is just worried, thinking about how it went with Key. 

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