Something happened

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It was cold, laying on this table.All I could hear was creaks and drops of, some liquid, falling on the ground. I then hear steps, I sat up, then groaned, I hadn't move since I got here, and it wasn't long. I looked at the rusted bars in front of me, i felt like i could hear everything, every creak,groan of the bars, steps.

it wasn't that bright down here, so i could only see a part of him, the person that i thought had been my best friend. his sharp teeth,and yellow hair. elf walked up to the bars and looked me straight in the eyes. Everything was loud. I felt weak and upset. "hello old friend, its nice to see you feel bad? don't worry you'll de a part of our research. Soon you'll be better. The people don't like you because you're special, but I'll help you." He smiles, then cackled.

He was loud, I covered my ears,everything felt heightened - my hearing,my touch,my sense of smell. I looked at my skin. It was mangled, but around my wounds felt sticky. It smelled like aloe Vera. Elf stared, then came closer and held something behind his back, I tried to back away, but the chains wouldn't let me. His smile was wicked, he then got right in front of me, an looked right at me. "Have fun." I felt the needle dig through my skin, he backed up, and stood there, looking at me. My stomach felt sick, my body was shutting down, as I closed my eyes I heard Elf say "sweet dreams, my project." I blacked out, when I woke up I never felt the same.

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