Somthings wrong

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I woke up on a cold,dirty and hard ground. Bars blocked some off the light that was coming from somewhere unknown. I tried standing with weak limbs, stumbling around as hugging the wall for balance as I tried to reach the only other opening in this concrete box.

As I gripped the rusty bar with my sore red hands, I tried looking through the bars. Only getting through enough to see the other two cells to my sides, the light was still out of reach.

What ever was making that light was far, but it was bright enough to emulate through the hall of cells.

"HEY! Can anyone hear me?!" I yell, but i knew it probably wasn't going to reach anyone, it was cold closer to the back of the cell and the only warmth or source of warmth came from the light too the right of my cell. I tried licking my dry lips, I must have been down here for awhile around one or two hours I suspected.

After like five to ten minutes pass and I hear a door and footsteps, a pair of footsteps. 'Two people, how many are there and what do they want with me?' I back away when the steps got closer, and when I was at the back of the cell I could see the shadows of my two captors. I felt like was in a horror film and I'm that one white girl that just doesn't know how to run away properly.

They stopped at my cell a look of intrigue was on elf's face and beside him was a big man with a gas mask.

They turned to each other and spoke in hushed tones. Elf walked closer to the cell door, I press closer to the wall, the freezing stone on my arms and shoulders. So soft clink of the key going into and unlocking the cell door drifts through the cold and tense atmosphere.

Elf moves to the side like a butler holding the door for their higher up to go through. The gas mask man sets foot into the room slowly coming forward with unknown intent, but where I am right now it might not be with the intentions.

He stops a few steps in front of me, Elf calmly stands next to him with his hand suspiciously behind his back, the door creaking closed and shuts with a clang.

Elf then pulls what looks like a small pot with a sprout inside, he then walks in between me and the gas mask man and sets the small pot down.

It's close enough that I can see but not so close that I can't take it to examine without being in reach with the mask man. He then pulls a knife out of a holster that I hadn't seen until now. He carefully flicked the knife in between his fingers and then sets the blade between his thumb and the side of his pointer finger, then flings it at me, I curl up to protect my vital organs. I hear a stretching and a thunk like something hit a cutting board. I  look up from my arm and see a thick trunk of wood coming from the small pot that held the sprout, slowly following the trunk up from the pot I see that the knife had gotten stuck in a piece of wood.

I peeked from the small tree trunk and over to the two who watched me intently. They both turned to each other and the gas mask man nodded and turned away leaving me and Elf in the room, he calmly walked over and kicked me in the face making me dizzy and have a ear splitting headache, he grabbed my hair and pulled me close to his face.

"I don't like pretending to be peoples friends, but I love seeing people suffer and your face right now is glorious." He grabbed my hair tighter and pulled me forward then slammed me back into the wall, my eyes got heavy after that and I blacked out but not before seeing him smile and turn away, as I closed my eyes I heard a clang and footsteps then after that I was out. Every thing was black after that.

700+ wow that's probably the most I've done also I think im out of order

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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