"I want to see them" she bounces in her seat and I pout. "They all went.. but she's got lots of photos of them" I say before looking to Jamie. "We'll have to take her round to Tippi's.. she'd love that" I grin and Jamie agrees, smiling widely too.

Once Dulcie's finished eating we head and see the aquarium for a little bit then to the lion enclosure and Dulcie makes us wait until she's seen every lion in there. She grins against the glass as she spots a few cubs. I wrap my arm around Jamie and rest my head on his upper arm.

"We're going to miss daddy" I whisper, kissing His arm as I gaze up at him. "I'm going to miss my girls.." he gently kisses my lips, stroking Charlotte's hair as she rests against my chest in her sling. She grins up at us and I chuckle.

"She's going to change so much whilst you're not here.. hopefully we can facetime a bit so you don't miss out on too much." I pout, kissing Charlotte's head as she wraps her little hand around Jamie's finger, gripping it as tightly as she can.

"I'll be back before you know it" he kisses my cheek as Dulcie comes over, rubbing her eyes. "Daddy... that lion was naughty to the baby one" she mumbles and for a second it sounds like she's going to cry. "Why baby what happened?" Jamie picks her up and together we leave the lion enclosure.

"She picked the baby up by the neck with her mouth" she says quietly, wrapping her arms around Jamie's neck. "Oh baby, that's how they carry them... she wouldn't have hurt them I promise.." he turns to the glass and points to the cub running around and playing.

"Look. They're fine" he smiles kissing her head. "Oh yeah.." she smiles a bit, yawning as she covers her mouth. "Shall we head to the gift store and then go home? They're both tired" I suggest and he nods.

When we get to the gift store Dulcie gets down from Jamie's arms and she wanders around, looking at all the teddy bears and toys. "Daddy I like this" she grins lifting up a big lion teddy. "You want that?" I hold my hand out to take it from her. "What shall we get Charlotte?" I lean down to speak to Dulcie and she pouts, looking around.

"A little teddy?" She runs over to them and picks up a little lion cub teddy. "We can have matching ones!" She grins, handing Jamie the teddy. I kiss her head and stand back up, stroking Charlotte's cheek as she whines.

"I think she needs changing.. I'll meet you at the car" I smile to Jamie and he nods, taking the teddies to the checkout with Dulcie whilst I wander off to find the baby changing facilities. Once I find them I lay her on the counter and change her diaper carefully holding her legs up so she doesn't kick them about.

I fasten her baby onesie up when I'm done and kiss her cheek repeatedly, causing her to giggle. "All better now baby girl" I kiss her head and hold her close to me as I pack up her stuff and head to the car. Jamie and Dulcie are waiting by the car when I get there.

"Daddy said we're going for dinner, it's a surprise though" she jumps up and down before getting into the car. "Yeah, so much for it being a surprise though" he shakes his head, chuckling a bit as he takes Charlotte from me to put in the car. I giggle at him, kissing his cheek.

"You're the sweetest" I grin, taking the sling from off me and putting it in the boot of the car. "You want me to drive?" I ask just as I'm about to open the passenger car door. "No baby i got it" he smiles cheekily as we get into the car. "Plus, you don't know where we're going" he smirks and I pout.

"hey Dulcie, have you heard Charlotte giggling yet?" I turn to look at her and she gasps, shaking her head. I glance to Jamie and grin as he drives us to dinner. "If you tickle her stomach gently or talk to her she might giggle. Try it" I smile to her and she smiles shyly, reaching over and tickling Charlotte whilst talking to her in a baby voice like me and Jamie do.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now