Just Friends

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"Y/n! Come on we're leaving!" I could hear my bestfriend Troy scream from downstairs.
"Coming! I swear-" I heard the front door slam shit. That dick! I grabbed my other tennis shoe and quickly pulled my dress down then ran down the stairs. I threw the door open just as Troy honked the horn. I jumped and screamed. He just laughed at me.
I growled in frustration and slammed the door shit behind me. I got into the car and finished putting my shoes on.
"What the fuck, Troy?!" I yelled. He turned to me with an "innocent" look.
"What?" He asked in his innocent voice. I could see the smile tugging at his lips. Those lips. The ones that I've dreamt of kissing one day. I've always had a crush on Troy, but I already knew he didn't like me like that.
"You fucker! You left me inside." I huffed and leaned back into the car seat. He rested his hand on my thigh and looked me in the eye.
"Look, y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you inside. But Oh my God literally it took you less than 30 seconds to walk outside. You're overreacting babe." I froze at that word.
"Babe?" I asked. He froze too.
"Shit. Sorry, I-I didn't mean it." My face fell. I guess he didn't notice cause he moved his hand and placed it on the steering wheel.
"We're just friends. Right y/n?" I nodded but was still really sad.
"I don't think I wanna go to the mall today. I-I'll call you later." With that I got out of the car and walked back into my house. I shut the door and locked it then fell on the floor and cried.

·········· so this story didn't end happily, but I promise some will have happy endings··········

Imagines // Troy Zarba (Zarbruh on Tik Tok)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora