Quincy takes the girls out to an adventure park for a play date while Zara catches up on school work. Zara is super thankful for him in her life.

Hearing the doorbell, she goes to answer it. She was surprised that Quincy got to her house so fast from their park play date. She just got the message that they were coming over.

Opening the door, it's as if the air was sucked from the room. As the door swung open, her ex piercing frozen blue eyes locked on to her. That devil smirk shows his infamous looks in the tabloids.

Before Zara could do anything, she frozen. Begging her body to move to fight or to do something. The fear overtook her. By the time she tried to slam, the door closed. It was too late.

Swinging it back, Justin pushes her onto the floor. He looked down at her as if he had a crown on his head, and he couldn't let it slip.

He slammed the door closed with his foot. He stood over her. He watched as she never broke eye contact with him. The fire that blazed in her eyes he wanted to dim.

"Zara, why have you been avoiding me?"

"Justin, leave now!"

"No can do. You see, I've had someone watch your house for a few days, and I don't like that you have another man around my child."

"Now you want to talk about your child? Well, now she has a MAN around to take care of her."

"Did you think you could just leave me, Zara? You will forever be mine. Do I need to get rid of him?" He jumped on top of her and pinned her hands above her head. She kicked him in the crotch and was freed from him. She runs to the back to get her phone, and Justin catches her by her arm in the hallway.

"You bitch!" He slapped her causing her to fall.

Holding her face she cries. "Please just leave!"

Justin's eyes went wide, "Oh no no no. I have to remind you who I am." He grabs her by her hair and pulls on it and slaps her again. She screams and holds onto her hair trying to get him to let go.

"See what I have to do. If you had just been good, I wouldn't have had to do this." Releasing his grip on her hair, she falls to the ground.

Shifting himself he places his feet on either side of her. "Do you still love me?" Zara struggled to get up due to the numbness to her face.

"You wish." She venomously spit back at him.

"Wrong answer." With anger in his eyes, he swings his leg towards Zara connecting to her stomach. The air was knocked out of her, struggling to breathe.

"You love me?" Zara could barely get words out through the pain she was feeling. She turns to the side curling up.

Seeing her hold her side, he got impatient for an answer.

"Hello?" He goes to swing at her again when Justin is shoved off into the wall.

What Justin didn't know is that Zara hit the panic button a moment before he shoved open the door.

Quincy saw a black void. He doesn't even remember anything that happened during. His fists may hurt but his heart hurts worse. Holding Zara hand in the ambulance. The more she moved her fingers the tighter he squeezed.

"Gentle." Zara softly says then he slowly loosens his grip.

"Yes baby." Pausing for a moment he tried not to show her his teary eyed face.

"Thank you. You're my hero."

"So I should dress up as Naveen from the Princess and the frog?"

"Uh Tiana saved Naveen."

"Yet loves her as bright as Evangeline." Humming the song soothes her.

The next day, her parents brought the girls to visit her. The gurls tell her to feel better and give her kisses on both cheeks.

Quincy takes a trip to the children's ward for the gurls so Zara's parents can speak with her.

Zara tries to act normal as if she wasn't in pain. Her mother and father were pissed, sad & happy that their daughter is okay.

Her father stated, "The doctor said that nothing was broken, but you had internal bleeding. Some bed rest and PT and you are good as new."

That triggered her mother. "Good as new??! That beast of a human. He will waste away in jail."

"Mom look at me." She slowly turned to her daughter. Her baby was in pain and she couldn'tt do anything to change what happened.

"I am alive. That's what matters."

After a crying session, her parents leave.

Having a moment to herself felt unreal. All she could think about was seeing Quincy face. The way he laid in bed with her, Checking on her, & being a caregiver. Asking the nurses and doctors hella questions. He was on it.

He even emailed all of her teachers getting her homework for the week.

In moments, he would surprise her by mentally checking in. She was honest with him.

How it felt. His blood started to boil again, but her energy would soothe him.

"I turly love you, you know that."

"Hmm." Leaning down he pecked her lips. Than again and again. "I love you too."

Over the next few days, Justin was charged. He wasn't even given bail before court. Zaras and Justin's families are at war. Zaras lawyers still have all of the documents and pictures of what happened years ago to heighten the charges. Social media is blowing up over Americas bad boy.

Finally going home, and everyone is there by her side. Having Quincy, Aleah, and Bianca definitely made her feel better.

Bianca touches her moms cheek. "Mommy has boos."

"Yeah, Mommy has boo boos."

They both kiss her on the cheeks and smile.

"All better!" Aleah cheered!

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