"Fine." And leaves to go back to her life with her own family.

Rose confronts her daughter about hearing about her and Jaylen.

"What's this? I keep hearing about you running up behind some boy." Rose watches as Asia stops typing on her laptop to greet her.

"Nice to see you too, mother."

"You need to be focused on your grades." Asia snirked due to her working on her laptop at that moment.

"And you need to go back to your phone and laptop."

Rose paused for a moment, hearing her daughters tone. "Don't you dare speak back to me. You're being so disrespectful."

"Well, what did I do now because I only have your attention if I do something wrong." Asia was over it. She closes her laptop & rubs her eyes from exhaustion.

Rose replied, "Well, I'm sorry, I'm working so hard for our family."

"Ha! Dad has tried to get you to stop working for years. You do it to make a name for yourself." Asia stood up with her bag.

"What's wrong with that?"

"You spend so much time trying not to be Mrs. Faraldo, that you forget that it's your husband and children's name."

"I have raised both of you have a choice in your life."

Asia laughed on the inside, "You hate every choice I've been making."

"And if you were more attentive, I wouldn't have to nag you."

"Then stop! You stopped being my mother the moment your baby died." Anastasia knew she had hit a nerve.

Rose started to get up out of her seat. "I'm not talking about this."

"You still blame me for it, don't you?"

"Anastasia, please." Rose's voice started to shake.

Anastasia wasn't finished making her point. "I was 6! 6 years old. I was in that hospital bed, too." Recalling the memory of his tiny body not moving still haunts Anastasia.

Rose voice starts breaking. "That's what you told me about the accident."

"Because you made me feel like it was my fault. Mom, you aren't the only one who lost or misses him."

"I would never blame you for his death. You have it all wrong. It was just a really hard time for me, Asia."

Asia held back her tears & took a deep breath. "Why can't I have a normal mother? Or that can try to understand me. Please tell me what you have against me."

"Asia, I just want you to look at the bigger picture. You have always been into art and music. You can't make a career out of that."

"But it's something I love. I just want to be happy."

"Sometimes you have to sacrifice that."

"Well, I won't. I will be who I am. I am my mother daughter." With that, Asia walked out as Rose let her daughters words hang in the air.

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