HSD - Chapter 20

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The trumpets sounded, playing the fanfare and announcing the arrival of the princess.

Everyone looked up towards the marble staircase. They were all excited. Nobody knew how the princess of New Zealand really looked like. She was kept away from the media and the public her whole life.

Of course, there were some who knew but tonight was her first formal appearance. Even so, the press was not invited to this private event ensuring that the public will not know her until her debut on her eighteenth birthday.

"Presenting, her royal highness, Princess Jennifer Rubyjane Kim of New Zealand!"

Everyone stared in awe of the raven-haired princess standing on top of the stairs. They were captivated by her radiance and her beauty.

Jennie began her descent with the poise and grace instilled in her as a child.

Calm down Jennie! she told herself. Everything's going to be fine. Just breathe. You can deal with the consequences later and hope for the best. Breathe. That's right. Five more steps. Three... two...

Jennie finally made it. Her father, who was waiting for her down the stairs, was beaming with pride.

"Jennie, I would like you to meet someone," the King smiled at his daughter.

Taking her father's arm, Jennie followed the King. Somehow, her heart was beating furiously. She had a bad feeling about this meeting.

"Jennie, this is my friend Chairman of the Manoban Corporation, Marco Manoban. Marco, this is my lovely daughter Jennie," the King introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir," Jennie curtsied.

Marco Manoban merely nodded his head.

Jennie looked up at the cold man in front of her.

He really is Lisa's father. No doubt about that... Jennie thought.

"She's a beauty Richard," Marco finally spoke. "She really looks after Jessica. Speaking of whom, how is she?"

"Well you know my sister, you can never tame her. She's as free-spirited and as wild as ever. She's currently climbing Mount Everest with Yuri," Richard laughed.

"I wonder how she keeps up with her," Marco mustered up a small smile. "I suppose personality wise, Jennie took from Yuri."

"That's where you're wrong Marco," Richard chuckled. "Looks and personality wise, she's definitely a Jessica. The only thing she got from Yuri is her raven hair."

"You're majesty! Chairman!" someone called out.

"Donghee," Richard said as a chubby balding man walked towards them.

"How are your majesty and the chairman?" Donghee asked. "Ah! Princess! It's so good to finally meet you! You really are such a beauty! Everyone here can't take their eyes of you!"

Definitely a Shin, Jennie thought in disgust. He must be Kai's father.

"I must introduce you to my son Princess! He's name is Kai and he is a handsome young boy! Very charming, you will love him," Shin Donghee said.

It took every ounce of self-control for Jennie not to gag.

That confirms it... She thought.

"Yes there will be plenty of time for introduction later Donghee. Anyway, I don't see any of the girls and boys around. Jisoo, Lisa, Hanbin and Kai are not here," Richard said.

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