HSD - Chapter 11

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Lisa stood very still.

She lost her breath and her heart seemed to have missed a beat. Jennie had actually kissed her! Even if the kiss was short and was just a simple peck on the lips.

Before Lisa knew it, Jennie pulled away from her. Her eyes were wide open in shock.

She kissed me! Gosh! She just kissed me! Lisa was screaming in her mind.

He was still staring incredulously at Jennie. Am I dreaming? Please no! I don't want this to be a dream! Lisa's face flushed at the thought about Jennie and the kiss.

Jennie pulled away right after their lips briefly touched. She was so embarrassed. Lisa was staring right at her and she felt that her cheeks were so hot that she could fry an egg on it.

Jennie turned away. She couldn't look at Lisa now. She couldn't believe what she had just done. She unconsciously touched her lips and sigh. Well, there goes her first kiss.

Just what was she thinking?

The truth was that she didn't feel as though she regretted kissing Lisa. Her only regret was not making the kiss last longer. She mentally scolded herself.

How could she think that way?

The crowd was erupting into applause. They were all smiling at Jennie and Lisa. As Jennie turned to the side, she noticed her cousin's scowl. Of course, she won't be too happy about it. She figured that she would receive a long lecture from her later.

Jennie looked back at Lisa. She seemed to be in a daze.

"Ok! Fun part is over! Go mind your own business now!" Jisoo said hushing the crowd as she jumped in between Jennie and Lisa to break them apart.

"You've got to trust Jisoo to come into the right time," Seulgi chuckled.

"She looks really pissed off!" Irene commented.

"Yea, unlike the other two! They both looked love-struck!" Joy laughed.

"Oh don't let Jisoo hear you! She'll skin you alive!" Irene told Joy laughing as well.

... ... ...

It has been a few days since the YG School Festival. School went on as usual. Lisa and Jennie pretended that nothing had happened, and the gang was smart enough not to mention anything about 'the kiss'.

But every time Lisa thought about it, her hands would automatically touch her lips and she would blush furiously too. It was their first kiss, her first kiss too for that matter.

With Jennie's insistence, Lisa now sat with the usual gang during breaks. Of course, that did not come without threats and violence. Jennie practically dragged Lisa to their table. Everyone including Jisoo welcomed Lisa into the gang. Jisoo was after all grateful that Lisa had saved Jennie even though she personally found 'the kiss' distasteful. But Jisoo never mentioned that to her cousin as something told her that it was more prudent to do so.

So now, Lisa was part of their gang. She never talked much but the gang didn't mind. They just accepted her. Lisa was overwhelmed by their friendliness. She truly felt one of them and enjoyed their company. Even Wendy, the grouchy one who seemed to be always mad at the world, gave Lisa a helping hand.

A junior had accidentally dirtied Lisa's gym clothes right before gym class and Lisa did not have a spare. It was Wendy who lent Lisa her extra attire right before she threatened Lisa not to tell anyone about it.

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