Chapter 1: Welcome, New student

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*Your POV*

  'this is it (y/n)! You're new highschool life awaits. What could go wrong?'

Ok, bad idea. A lot of things could go wrong! Sighing, I walked through the pathway and stopped at the big school doors.

I froze.

'maybe... This was a bad idea... No. I'm already here. I can't turn back now.'

I thought as I inhaled deeply.

"this ain't gonna be so bad... Right...?"

I opened the door.

I saw students roaming around the halls. Some were talking to each other, some were getting stuff inside their lockers, and some were just walking normally to random directions.

I gulped. Ok, I think my anxiety is kicking in.

'What if I don't fit in? What if people would just think I'm weird and make fun of me?'

I thought to myself. More horrible thoughts popping up in my mind as I stood there like a complete idiot in the crowd of students.

I sucked up a deep breath.

Welp! Time to throw those ever-stressful thoughts on the back of my head. I walked into the crowd of students.

'First thing I need to do is to situate myself. I need to ask some--'

My thoughts were cut off as a girl suddenly (and purposefully) bumped (more like crashed)  into me.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

Wow. And she's the one shouting at me. Rude. She looks badass though.

I didn't say a thing I just glared at her while she walked away. I tried memorizing her features; Brown hair with yellow ends ties into pigtails, looks kinda Asian too, has some glasses on.

I tried to grab my bag that fell but was kicked through the floor by some students who were walking by and didn't even notice it.

Trying to run after it but it just get kicked further and further away from me.

Until someone, WHO ACTUALLY NOTICED IT AND CARED, grabbed it and picked it up from the floor.

'oh thank goodness!'

I sighed happily as I approached them. One had fluffy red-orange hair while the other one had a big abnormally shaped nose. The one with the fluffy hair had my bag in his hands.

"Thank you for finding it!" I said as I grabbed it from them, slinging it on my shoulder.

"no problem" Big nose said.

"Never seen you around here. Are you new?" Fluffy hair asked. Tucking his hands in his jeans' pockets

"Yeah" I replied. Great. Even though I don't want it to go noticed. Everyone's still going to find out since every new student would introduce themselves in the middle of the class. "Anyways, I'm gonna go now"

I walked away until I stopped remembering that I still don't have the directions to the principal's office.

Turning to them I asked, "hey, um. Do you- Do you know where the principal's office is?"

"Yeah! Go straight down that hall then turn left. You'll see a sign there at the office. You'll know it because it's the only door with a label" fluffy haired boy instructed making small hand gestures pointing to the hall.

"Thanks" I walked passed them and followed the directions. And just as I started walking down the hall, the bell rang.

'shit. Better hurry'

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