"Nononononono Sam I've got you I-" (Y/N) felt tears well up in her eyes, trying to pull him up "Nonono!", She continued saying the word on repeat as he slowly fell out of her grip, and back into the prison below. "Sam ...no...god no please...SAM!"


Present Day.

"SAM!" (Y/N)'s eyes opened as she bolted upright. Her breaths were shallow and uneven and sweat had formed on her face. She closed her eyes, attempting to take deep breaths. 'You're at home.' She thought. 'Everything is ok, you're ok.' She knew deep within herself that she was lying, that she hadn't been ok for a long, long time, but she brushed those thoughts aside.

Opening her eyes again, (Y/N) looked over at the clock. 6:15 AM, it read. She sighed, deciding to get up now instead of trying to get herself to fall asleep again. She pushed the blankets on her bed aside, shivering slightly from the cold, and made her way into her bathroom. She turned the light on, and looked at herself in the mirror. "Jesus, I look like shit..." (Y/N) muttered to herself.

Her hair was messy and knotted, sticking up in different places on her head, her eyes were red and puffy with eye gunk in the corners, and a mixture of dry and fresh tears stained her cheeks. She hadn't realized she had even been crying, but paid no attention to it, and fixed herself to look somewhat presentable. She walked back into her room and got dressed. (Pic above is the outfit.) She walked over to her desk and grabbed her phone, turning it back on.

"Huh. Two missed calls from Nathan. Wonder what that's about..." (Y/N) said to herself, sending a text to Nathan, asking if everything was alright. She wandered out of her room, and walked into her kitchen, grabbing a bowl of cereal for breakfast. She felt her phone vibrate. A text from Nathan.

"Hey, can I stop by at your place? I have some important news and a surprise for you."

"Surprise?" She asked aloud, quickly typing a response.

   Yeah sure, when will you be over here?"

"In a few minutes if that's ok with you."

"That's fine. See you soon."

(Y/N) put her phone down on the countertop, as she put her dishes in the sink and made herself a cup of coffee. She hadn't spoken with Nate in ages, the last time that they even saw each other face to face was at his wedding. But she wasn't going to complain, since Sam had passed, he and Sully were the closest thing that she even had to family, seeing him again will be good.

She walked into her living room, sitting down on the couch and picked up A picture frame off of the coffee table. It was a picture she had framed when Sam was still around. The picture was a picture of them at the park, sitting on a picnic blanket, smiling happily. (Y/N) remembered that day vividly.

It was right before another job, and (Y/N) had insisted on going outside with the brothers because of the lovely weather outside. Sam was reluctant at first, but she eventually convinced him with the promise of making his favourite food to eat at the park.

She giggled, smiling, but it slowly disappeared, and her heart started to ache. She missed Sam, she missed him more than words can say. The wounds his death had left took a toll on her, but she felt like she was slowly getting better, pushing past his death. (Y/N) sighed, putting the picture down and sipping on her coffee in silence.

A few more minutes had gone by before she heard a knock at the door. She felt a small smile appear on her lips. "Come in!" She shouted cheerfully, not bothering to go open the door since Nathan knew where the spare key was hidden. She heard the door open and footsteps enter her home, and grabbed her coffee as she made her way to the front of her house.

"Ok Drake, what surprise do you have in store for me this time-" Nathan stood in the doorway, smiling cheekily. (Y/N) felt her coffee mug slip out of her hand and shatter on the floor, as tears blurred her vision. And there he stood, standing in the doorway beside Nathan. "...S-" (Y/N) said, as she attempted to find her voice. "Sam?"

(Y/N) felt weak, and her head immediately started to spin. "Bu-...Y-...." She wiped the tears from her eyes, but more replaced the ones she wiped away. "But you died...I saw you die!" She said, her voice breaking at the end. He chuckled, but It wasn't filled with happiness. "It takes a lot more than bullets to kill a Drake Princess." He said.

(Y/N) let an 'Oh my god' slip out of her lips, as she practically threw herself into his arms. She sobbed into his shoulder, as he whispered sweet nothings to her. She pulled away, gazing into his eyes. "How?" She asked. "It's a long story." Sam said, glancing over at Nate.

(Y/N) huffed. "Hey why don't the both of you come inside, get all nice and comfy, hell I'll even get you both some coffee, and then we can talk, ok?" She suggested. "That sounds great, actually." Nathan said.

"Right," (Y/N) suddenly felt nervous about the cleanliness of her home, as the boys made themselves comfy in the living room while she grabbed them both cups of coffee, making a brand new pot. "Sorry if it's a little messy, I wasn't expecting company so soon." She explained sheepishly as she waited for the coffee to finish.

"It's a lovely place babe-er...." Sam cut himself off suddenly. "Am...Am I still allowed to call you that, or would you rather me just call you by your name because if you're uncomfortable with-" "Yes Sam, you can call me babe if you want"
(Y/N) cut off his nervous rambling. "You 'died', we didn't break up."

She grabbed two mugs from her cupboard and poured the coffee in. "What do you boys want in your coffee?" She asked, opening the fridge. "Some cream." Nate replied. "Gotcha, Sam?" "Oh, uh just a bit of sugar." She added the ingredients into the drinks and walked into the living room, handing them each their cup.

They each muttered a 'thanks' as she sat down across from them. She looked at both of them patiently. "Well?" She asked. "Oh right, well, let's jump back 15 years ago ok?"


Word Count: 1844

The Adventure of A Lifetime (Sam Drake x Reader) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now