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-Day 54-
I wake up to a small tapping of my ankle and look to the end of my bed instinctively and see one. He was tall, lanky, and smelled of rotting eggs and dead animals. His eyes were a neon red, "don't look at him." A familiar voice says. I listen to her and close my eyes tightly and soon fall back to sleep. When I wake up I see someone else at the foot of my bed and almost jump with joy when I see May.  I scramble over to her and throw my arms around her hugging her tightly and beginning to cry in her arms. She rubs my back and holds me closer but gently as if she thought I was a flower, "honey..." May whispers pushing my stray hairs away from my face, "May what's wrong with me?!" I ask her as I sob into her sweatshirt, "baby there's nothing wrong with you, they just don't understand." She says I hug her tighter and she runs her fingers through my hair stroking it soothingly, "I want this to stop May I want this to end, I don't want to see them anymore." I say crying, "help me get rid of this May, help me get out of this curse." I beg her, "you can't get rid of it honey, you can only control it." She says. I nod, "help me?" She nods and I pull away from her slightly and she lets me go, "where were you?" I ask her breaking the silence. May shifts a bit on the bed as she thinks, "when you left I was really confused, I knew the dark ones would try to hurt you so I knew I had to find you. I knew they took you somewhere but I didn't know where and your parents didn't really talk about you much." May says, "so it took a while but I finally found you, thank god." We're quiet for a bit again, "your parents almost found out about me." May says. I look at her with amazement, "how?" I ask her, "they heard me moving things around the house and walking and stuff, but they kept making up excuses to make themselves feel better, but they must've thought something cause they brought a priest, good thing I had an idea where you were because the priest would've killed me." May says with a small chuckle, "but May wouldn't that only effect the bad people?" I ask her confused. May nods slowly, "May...what aren't you telling me?" I ask her suspiciously, "honey, you gotta let me explain." She says her green worried eyes looking into mine, "May, y-you're a demon?" I whisper, "no honey, I promise I'm not." She says looking up at me with hope in her eyes, "M-May..." I start to back away not sure if I should believe her, "no look." She says unzipping her sweatshirt and taking it off, something she's never done before. She shows me two long slits vertically cut on her wrists along with bruises and scars from previous attempts I'd guess, "May..." I whisper softly coming back towards her and gently taking her wrist to look at it. The blood is still red and looks like she just did this yesterday though it wasn't true I look up at her and shes looking sadly at her wrists in my hands, "I killed myself." She mumbles then looks up at me, "if the priest came and did a blessing or exorcism I would've gone to hell for doing this." She says. I hug her again, "I'm sorry May." She hugs me back and rests her head against my shoulder, "I miss being alive..." she mumbles her voice cracking. I stroke her blonde mid-length hair as we hugged and she soon stopped crying. She pulls away her wrists gently and looks up at me, "why'd you kill yourself?" I ask her. May hesitates, "my parents told me they'd send me here because I kept seeing and hearing them, so I killed myself the night before I had to leave in the shower. The voices loved it, they wanted me to do it so badly, it gives them power..." May says sadly, "is that why you protect me?" I ask, "because of what happened to you?" She nods, "and because you're my only friend, I didn't have any friends since I was 10. When I started puberty I started developing my abilities too." May explains as she pulls her sweatshirt back on. "Why didn't you tell me before?" "I didn't want you to be inspired. I didn't want you to make the same mistake I did, especially since I can help you." May says giving me a small smile, "May promise you'll protect me?"I ask her, "I can't protect you from them..." she says slowly as the door whips open. I turn around and see a few doctors and nurses coming over to me. I knew where they were going to bring me, "May I don't wanna go!" I say terrified as they pick me up and strap me to a gurney, "I know honey, I'll be with you." May says following us to the room. One of the nurses grab a leather strap and puts it between my teeth, "okay patient 643, this will only hurt a bit." The doctor says as he presses the shock paddles against my forehead sending a large Shock through me causing me to scream. I feel May take my hand as I shut my eyes tightly. I hold her hand back as I feel another shock pulse through me. After what felt like eternity the doctor stopped and May let go of my hand as the began to wheel me back to my room. Once we get back and I'm out I run towards them scratching and clawing af them in anger. I feel hands on my arms and pull me towards them away from the nurses, "don't make it worse..."  May says. I collapse on the floor and begin to cry as the men come back with a straight jacket putting my arms through them. After they were done putting it on me they left me on the floor and left. May helped me up and to my bed laying me down and pulling me into a hug where I cried against her shoulder, when I pull away I notice May was wearing a necklace, "where'd your get that?" I ask her curiously. She looks down at her chest and takes the necklace in her hand with a small smile, "my boyfriend put it on my grave." She says, "recently?"  "Yeah about an hour ago." She says, "so you get whatever's on your grave?" May nods, "yeah it's a perk of me not being fully dead." May says with a small chuckle. "What was your boyfriend like?" I ask her, "he was adorable, we were the same height and I was like a year older than him, he followed me around like a lost puppy. He was really self conscious about how he looked even though I told him he was hot in my eyes. I trusted him with everything and we did everything together. I loved him so much" May says sadly, "I still didn't trust him fully..." May says looking away from me, "you didn't tell him?" I ask her confused, "I didn't want him to think I was crazy like everyone else did, I wanted him to see me as May and not the crazy girl." She says. "May if he really loved you he wouldn't care." I say to her. She sighs, "I know honey I was just-scared okay? I didn't want him to be scared of me." She says. We're quiet for a bit, "do you wanna see him?" May asks. I nod and turn to her. She takes out a picture of her and a guy around our age, a year younger I'd guess based on what May said. "You guys were so cute." I say to her smiling. She smiles back, "thanks." She says with a small giggle. "He was the one who found me." May mumbles, "what?" "He was gonna come over that night and I forgot so I heard him come upstairs and go into my room and when he heard the shower he must've come in. He saw me and dropped to his knees hugging me tightly and kissing me gently while he was crying. I touched his cheek and apologized to him knowing I was gonna die. I didn't want him to be the one who found me like that, I didn't want him to even think of me again. I want him to be happy. I wanted to tell him that I loved him and everything was going to be alight but I couldn't." She says sadly, "he thinks about me all the time I wish I could be with him I miss him so much." "How do you know he thinks about you?" I ask her, "I can read peoples thoughts." She says, "oh my god..." I mumble as I feel my face turning a bright red, "yes I can read those too but don't worry I try not to it's weird." May says with an awkward giggle, "how come you never told me about you before?" I ask May. She sighs, " I don't know, you were too young or the time wasn't right, there was always something." She says, "it's not important anyway." May says with a shrug, "May you're my best friend of course it's fucking important." I say hugging her. She hugs me back and I feel...safe. I always feel safe when she's with me and I missed the feeling when she was gone. "You should get to bed, it's late." May says, "you'll protect me?" I ask her worriedly, "I promise honey." She says as she lays down, me laying down right after her against her shoulder. Her body is stiff and cold but weirdly comforting, she also doesn't seem to sleep, "do you miss being warm May?" I ask closing my eyes, "I don't really remember it." May says. I turn towards her and hug her, "I wish I could help you..." I say to her. "You are." She mumbles, "now go to sleep."

Patient 643 (Lana Del Rey fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora